Příspěvek výuky na vyšších zdravotnických školách k humanizaci poskytované péče v praxi
The contribution of higher education at medical schools to the humanization of care in practice
rigorous thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [23212]
Pelikán, Jiří
Lorenzová, Jitka
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
Department of Education
Date of defense
1. 12. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
V rigorosni pnici poukazujeme na vYukovou problematiku na vyssich zdravotnickYch skolach voblasti osobnostniho rozvoje absolvenm studijniho oboru vseobecna sestra. Vychovu a vzdelav:ini sester, jez by v praxi melo pnspivat k humanizaci poskytovane oserrovatelske pece a napomoci sestram k citlivemu pnstupu k nemocnym. Uvadime strukturu vzniku vyssich zdravotnickYch skol a zamefujeme se na soucasny stay vYuky na vyssich zdravotnickYch skolach. SnaZime se poukazat na oblasti rozvoje osobnostni vYchovy v terciami sfete, ktere je vhodne pojmout tak, abychom postupne pnspeli k zadouci humanizaci osetrovatelske pece v praxi. Prakticka cast rigorosni prace je pak venov:ina serreni na SZS v Kladne se zamerenim na podminky vYuky, vyuziti aktivizujicich metod ve vYuce a pnstupu vyucujicich ke studenmm vyssi skoly. Samotne serreni je zamereno na vyucujici a samostatne na studenty, abychom mohli porovnat Uhel pohledu na problematiku vYchovy k humannimu oserrovatelstvi, techto dvou dUleziiYch akteru ve vyucovacim procesu. Soucasti teto kapitoly je rovnez tabulkove a graficke znazomeni vYsledku jednotlivYch setreni a celkoveho shmuti vYsledku sledovanych souborn, vcetne navrzenych opatreni. Cilem prace je poukazat na vYznam vYuky osobnostne socialniho rozvoJe (mravniho a hodnotoveho) i v terciami sfere vzdelav:ini. Na...
In the rigorous paper we point at the educational problems occurring in medical colleges in the sphere of a personal development of graduates of the field of study - general nurse; training and education of the nurses, which should contribute to humanization of provided nursing care and should help nurses with their sensitive approach to the patients. We introduce a structure of establishment of new medical schools and we focus on current state of education in the medical colleges. We are trying to depict the areas of development of such personality education that is advisable to conceive in a manner that would eventually lead to a desired humanization of a nursing care in practise. The fundamental target is to teach students how to orientate in the problems of satisfying the bio-psycho-social and spiritual needs of diseased people; to teach students to get familiar with themselves with the view of being able to perceive every human being in a gestalt way; to accept human values; and to master and manage to apply positive social skills in practise in a humanistic way in order to relieve the patients. The practical part of the rigorous paper is contributed to a research carried out in the High medical school in Kladno (SZS Kladno) with the focus on the conditions of training, utilizing of various methods,...