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Selected aspects of the legal arrangement of cooperatives
dc.contributor.advisorZahradníčková, Marie
dc.creatorKrč, Jan
dc.description.abstractThis rigorous thesis aims to characterise selected aspects of the legal arrangement of cooperatives. In the first section the work focuses on the valid legal arrangement in the Czech Republic. It deals briefly with the history of cooperatives and the develop- ment of the legislation concerning cooperatives. The thesis subsequently focuses in more detail on the individual circuits of the legal arrangement of cooperatives, name- ly the establishment and launch of a cooperative, the statutes of the cooperative, its statutory bodies, assets and the investment of members in the cooperative, and also focuses in further detail on issues in connection with membership of the cooperative, in particular the establishment and dissolution of the cooperative. The next section of the work deals with the legal arrangement of cooperatives "de lege ferenda", in particular with the conception and evaluation of the newly pro- posed legal arrangement for cooperatives contained in the recodification of Czech civil and commercial law which is in preparation. The work also focuses on the connection of co-operatives to the social economy, an explanation of this term and the institute of the social enterprise. The last section of the work concentrates on the European Cooperative Society (Societas Cooperativa Europaea). The...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThis rigorous thesis aims to characterise selected aspects of the legal arrangement of cooperatives. In the first section the work focuses on the valid legal arrangement in the Czech Republic. It deals briefly with the history of cooperatives and the develop- ment of the legislation concerning cooperatives. The thesis subsequently focuses in more detail on the individual circuits of the legal arrangement of cooperatives, name- ly the establishment and launch of a cooperative, the statutes of the cooperative, its statutory bodies, assets and the investment of members in the cooperative, and also focuses in further detail on issues in connection with membership of the cooperative, in particular the establishment and dissolution of the cooperative. The next section of the work deals with the legal arrangement of cooperatives "de lege ferenda", in particular with the conception and evaluation of the newly pro- posed legal arrangement for cooperatives contained in the recodification of Czech civil and commercial law which is in preparation. The work also focuses on the connection of co-operatives to the social economy, an explanation of this term and the institute of the social enterprise. The last section of the work concentrates on the European Cooperative Society (Societas Cooperativa Europaea). The...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Právnická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleVybrané aspekty právní úpravy družstevcs_CZ
dc.typerigorózní prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Business Lawen_US
dc.description.departmentKatedra obchodního právacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Lawen_US
dc.description.facultyPrávnická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedSelected aspects of the legal arrangement of cooperativesen_US
dc.contributor.refereeOehm, Jaroslav
thesis.degree.levelrigorózní řízenícs_CZ
thesis.degree.programLaw and Jurisprudenceen_US
thesis.degree.programPrávo a právní vědacs_CZ
uk.thesis.typerigorózní prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csPrávnická fakulta::Katedra obchodního právacs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Law::Department of Business Lawen_US
uk.faculty-name.csPrávnická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Lawen_US
uk.degree-program.csPrávo a právní vědacs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enLaw and Jurisprudenceen_US
uk.abstract.csThis rigorous thesis aims to characterise selected aspects of the legal arrangement of cooperatives. In the first section the work focuses on the valid legal arrangement in the Czech Republic. It deals briefly with the history of cooperatives and the develop- ment of the legislation concerning cooperatives. The thesis subsequently focuses in more detail on the individual circuits of the legal arrangement of cooperatives, name- ly the establishment and launch of a cooperative, the statutes of the cooperative, its statutory bodies, assets and the investment of members in the cooperative, and also focuses in further detail on issues in connection with membership of the cooperative, in particular the establishment and dissolution of the cooperative. The next section of the work deals with the legal arrangement of cooperatives "de lege ferenda", in particular with the conception and evaluation of the newly pro- posed legal arrangement for cooperatives contained in the recodification of Czech civil and commercial law which is in preparation. The work also focuses on the connection of co-operatives to the social economy, an explanation of this term and the institute of the social enterprise. The last section of the work concentrates on the European Cooperative Society (Societas Cooperativa Europaea). The...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThis rigorous thesis aims to characterise selected aspects of the legal arrangement of cooperatives. In the first section the work focuses on the valid legal arrangement in the Czech Republic. It deals briefly with the history of cooperatives and the develop- ment of the legislation concerning cooperatives. The thesis subsequently focuses in more detail on the individual circuits of the legal arrangement of cooperatives, name- ly the establishment and launch of a cooperative, the statutes of the cooperative, its statutory bodies, assets and the investment of members in the cooperative, and also focuses in further detail on issues in connection with membership of the cooperative, in particular the establishment and dissolution of the cooperative. The next section of the work deals with the legal arrangement of cooperatives "de lege ferenda", in particular with the conception and evaluation of the newly pro- posed legal arrangement for cooperatives contained in the recodification of Czech civil and commercial law which is in preparation. The work also focuses on the connection of co-operatives to the social economy, an explanation of this term and the institute of the social enterprise. The last section of the work concentrates on the European Cooperative Society (Societas Cooperativa Europaea). The...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, Katedra obchodního právacs_CZ

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