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Examination Commission for Teaching at Secondary Schools in Prague
dc.contributor.advisorSekyrková, Milada
dc.creatorHlaváč, Marek
dc.description.abstractThe goal of this bachelor thesis is to map the history of Examination Commission for Teaching at Secondary Schools in Prague. The tuition at Austrian gymnasiums (university preparatory schools) was greatly outdated due to the development of Austrian society and the technological advances in the second half of the nineteenth century. The main reason for this problem was the uncoordinated pedagogical and didactic training of the teachers. Therefore, Common conditions for teaching at grammar schools were published in 1849 and examination commissions were established at Austrian universities. Among them was also The Charles-Ferdinand University. The cultural emancipation of Czechs caused a division between commissions for teaching at Czech and German grammar schools in 1871. The exams were compulsory for teaching at Realschulen (technical and applied studies schools) from 1870 and for teaching at all types of secondary schools from 1911. Both commissions were still in operation at Charles University and German University in Prague during the times of the First Czechoslovak Republic. This thesis focuses on legislative and organizational aspects of those exams in Prague which dictated the future formation of the Czech secondary education system between 1849 and 1950, when the Czech Commission was dissolved. The...en_US
dc.description.abstractna v Praze. Z a rozvoje technologií výuka na gymnáziích v K , k byl v 1849 vydán a pedagogickou odbornost budoucích gymnaziálních na na univerzitách v ty, kde se komise zakládaly i - komise v roku 1870 se museli k o vy na Od na e své i za první republiky na a v Praze. na legislativní a orga v chod v období mezi roky 1950. Roku 1950 byla komise rozpu . Základním zdrojem práce jsou materiály z Archivu Univerzity Karlovy a Národního archivu. Dále z literatury o ch . - v Praze, Archiv Univerzity Karlovy, Národní archivcs_CZ
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.subjectgymnasiums|Realschulen|secondary schools|teachers|pedagogical|exam|Prague|Charles-Ferdinand University|Charles University|German University in Prague|Archiv Univerzity Karlovy|Národní archiven_US
dc.subjectgymnázia|reálné školy|střední školy|učitelé|pedagogický|zkouška|Praha|Karlo-Ferdinandova univerzita|Karlova univerzita|Německá univerzita v Praze|Archiv Univerzity Karlovy|Národní archivcs_CZ
dc.titleZkušební komise pro učitelství na středních školách v Prazecs_CZ
dc.typebakalářská prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studiesen_US
dc.description.departmentKatedra PVH a archivního studiacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.title.translatedExamination Commission for Teaching at Secondary Schools in Pragueen_US
dc.contributor.refereeĎurčanský, Marek
thesis.degree.disciplineArchive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciencesen_US
thesis.degree.disciplineArchivnictví a pomocné vědy historickécs_CZ
thesis.degree.programArchive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciencesen_US
thesis.degree.programArchivnictví a pomocné vědy historickécs_CZ
uk.thesis.typebakalářská prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Katedra PVH a archivního studiacs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studiesen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csArchivnictví a pomocné vědy historickécs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enArchive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciencesen_US
uk.degree-program.csArchivnictví a pomocné vědy historickécs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enArchive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciencesen_US
uk.abstract.csna v Praze. Z a rozvoje technologií výuka na gymnáziích v K , k byl v 1849 vydán a pedagogickou odbornost budoucích gymnaziálních na na univerzitách v ty, kde se komise zakládaly i - komise v roku 1870 se museli k o vy na Od na e své i za první republiky na a v Praze. na legislativní a orga v chod v období mezi roky 1950. Roku 1950 byla komise rozpu . Základním zdrojem práce jsou materiály z Archivu Univerzity Karlovy a Národního archivu. Dále z literatury o ch . - v Praze, Archiv Univerzity Karlovy, Národní archivcs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe goal of this bachelor thesis is to map the history of Examination Commission for Teaching at Secondary Schools in Prague. The tuition at Austrian gymnasiums (university preparatory schools) was greatly outdated due to the development of Austrian society and the technological advances in the second half of the nineteenth century. The main reason for this problem was the uncoordinated pedagogical and didactic training of the teachers. Therefore, Common conditions for teaching at grammar schools were published in 1849 and examination commissions were established at Austrian universities. Among them was also The Charles-Ferdinand University. The cultural emancipation of Czechs caused a division between commissions for teaching at Czech and German grammar schools in 1871. The exams were compulsory for teaching at Realschulen (technical and applied studies schools) from 1870 and for teaching at all types of secondary schools from 1911. Both commissions were still in operation at Charles University and German University in Prague during the times of the First Czechoslovak Republic. This thesis focuses on legislative and organizational aspects of those exams in Prague which dictated the future formation of the Czech secondary education system between 1849 and 1950, when the Czech Commission was dissolved. The...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra PVH a archivního studiacs_CZ

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