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"He has paid and owes nothing." Aspects of the transaction with the serf estate in the town of Mělník in the 17th century
dc.contributor.advisorČechura, Jaroslav
dc.creatorKoumar, Jiří
dc.description.abstractThe thesis deals with the issue of property transfer of servile real estates in the Estate of Melnik during the 17 century. As the main resource material was used the collection of Melnik Books of Land Ownership founded during the 80s of the 16 century. After the Thirty Years' War these books were restored in connection with the afterwar reconstruction of the Estate of Melnik and were published in a new edition until the turn of the 17 and 18 century. Besides these Books of Land Ownership we also studied other kinds of resources such as land and duties registers, land-registries, inventories and estimations which originated in the 17 century with respect to this Estate. In the end of the 17 century was formed a uniquely preserved register of serfs which enables us not only to have better knowledge of the structure of settled farmers themselves but also create the first picture of general structure of servile population in the Estate. In the introduction I tried to place the Estate of Melnik in the structure of Early Modern Times country estates. With the size ranging from medium to smaller the Estate of Melnik was formally as a chamber estate in possession of the Czech king for the most of its development in the period of Early Modern Times. Nevertheless in reality the Estate as a pawned land was held by...en_US
dc.description.abstractDisertacnf pr,ke se zamerila na otazku majetkoveho transferu poddanskych nemovitostf na melnickem panstvi v prubehu 17. stoletL Pramennym zakladem poznani teto problematiky se stal celek pozemkovych knih, kterY byl zalozen v prubehu 80. let 16. stoletL Po ti'icetilete valce pak byly knihy obnoveny v souvislosti s povalecnou rekonstrukci melnickeho panstvi a vedeny v nove rade az do prelomu 17. a 18. stoletL Vedle pozemkovych knih pak byly vyuzity dalsi prameny v podobe urbaru, katastru, inventaru a odhadu panstvi, ktere v 17. stoleti pro melnicky velkostatek vznikly. AZ v zaveru 17. stoletf bylo pak mozne vyuzit ojedinele dochovany soupis poddanskeho obyvatelstva, kterY umoznuje lepe poznat nejen strukturu samotnych osedlych hospodaru, ale rovnez si ucinit i prvni predstavu 0 celkove skladbe poddanskeho obyvatelstva tohoto panství. ...cs_CZ
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title"Má doplaceno a žádnému nic nedluží". Aspekty transakce s poddanskou nemovitostí po mělnickém panství v 17. stol.cs_CZ
dc.typerigorózní prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentInstitute of Czech Historyen_US
dc.description.departmentÚstav českých dějincs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translated"He has paid and owes nothing." Aspects of the transaction with the serf estate in the town of Mělník in the 17th centuryen_US
dc.contributor.refereeMaur, Eduard
dc.contributor.refereeChocholáč, Bronislav
thesis.degree.levelrigorózní řízenícs_CZ
thesis.degree.programHistorické vědycs_CZ
uk.thesis.typerigorózní prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Ústav českých dějincs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Institute of Czech Historyen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-program.csHistorické vědycs_CZ
uk.abstract.csDisertacnf pr,ke se zamerila na otazku majetkoveho transferu poddanskych nemovitostf na melnickem panstvi v prubehu 17. stoletL Pramennym zakladem poznani teto problematiky se stal celek pozemkovych knih, kterY byl zalozen v prubehu 80. let 16. stoletL Po ti'icetilete valce pak byly knihy obnoveny v souvislosti s povalecnou rekonstrukci melnickeho panstvi a vedeny v nove rade az do prelomu 17. a 18. stoletL Vedle pozemkovych knih pak byly vyuzity dalsi prameny v podobe urbaru, katastru, inventaru a odhadu panstvi, ktere v 17. stoleti pro melnicky velkostatek vznikly. AZ v zaveru 17. stoletf bylo pak mozne vyuzit ojedinele dochovany soupis poddanskeho obyvatelstva, kterY umoznuje lepe poznat nejen strukturu samotnych osedlych hospodaru, ale rovnez si ucinit i prvni predstavu 0 celkove skladbe poddanskeho obyvatelstva tohoto panství. ...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe thesis deals with the issue of property transfer of servile real estates in the Estate of Melnik during the 17 century. As the main resource material was used the collection of Melnik Books of Land Ownership founded during the 80s of the 16 century. After the Thirty Years' War these books were restored in connection with the afterwar reconstruction of the Estate of Melnik and were published in a new edition until the turn of the 17 and 18 century. Besides these Books of Land Ownership we also studied other kinds of resources such as land and duties registers, land-registries, inventories and estimations which originated in the 17 century with respect to this Estate. In the end of the 17 century was formed a uniquely preserved register of serfs which enables us not only to have better knowledge of the structure of settled farmers themselves but also create the first picture of general structure of servile population in the Estate. In the introduction I tried to place the Estate of Melnik in the structure of Early Modern Times country estates. With the size ranging from medium to smaller the Estate of Melnik was formally as a chamber estate in possession of the Czech king for the most of its development in the period of Early Modern Times. Nevertheless in reality the Estate as a pawned land was held by...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav českých dějincs_CZ

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