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Work motivation and employees' satisfaction
dc.contributor.advisorTureckiová, Michaela
dc.creatorFučíková, Pavla
dc.description.abstractTato bakalaJska prace se zabyva fenomeny pracovni motivace a spokojenosti. Pristup k teto problematice zahrnuje jak hledisko psychologicke, tak hledisko souvisejici s rizenim lidi v organizaci. Teoreticka vychodiska tvori obecne poznatky o motivaci cloveka, pracovni motivaci, moznostech ovlivneni motivace lidi v pracovnim procesu. Prace se taktez venuje pracovni spokojenosti a jejim faktorum. Zabyva se vztahem motivace a spokojenosti k projevum pracovniho chovani, predevsim ke stabilite a pracovnimu vykonu zamestnancu. Prace podava prehled metod zjist'ovani pracovni spokojenosti a predstavuje konkretni pruzkum spokojenosti zamestnancu, ktery byl realizovan v roce 2009 referencni spolecnosti a na j ehoz realizaci j sem se j ako praktikantka personalniho oddeleni podilela. CHern prace je predstavit pruzkum spokojenosti pracovniku, jako nastroj, jehoz prostrednictvim mohou organlzace ziskavat informace 0 stavajici Urovni spokojenosti svych pracovniku. Tyto informace maji zasadni vyznam pfi ovliviiovani motivace pracovniku, pracovniho chovani, tvorbe Ci zmene motivacniho programu v organizaci, pri definovani personaini strategie podniku a planovani systemovych kroku pro dalSi obdobi. Pruzkumy spokojenosti napomahaji zjist'ovat pfiCiny fluktuace pracovniku, nedostatku v kvalite odvadene prace i vykonu,...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThis bachelor work pays attention to the phenomena of motivation and job satisfaction. Approach to this problem involves both the psychological aspect and the aspect associated with managing people in an organization. The theoretical background consists of general knowledge about human motivation, work motivation, how to influence the motivation of people in the work process. Work also deals with job satisfaction and its determinants. Deals with the relationship of motivation and satisfaction of the manifestations of work behavior, especially the stability and work performance of employees. The work presents an overview of techniques for job satisfaction and is the employee satisfaction survey, which was implemented in 2009 by reference organization on which realization I had participated as trainne. of personnel department. The aim of work is to present the staff satisfaction survey as a tool which help organizations to get information about the current level of satisfaction of their employees. This information is crucial in influencing motivation of workers, job behavior, creation or modification of the incentive program in the organization, in defining HR strategy and planning system steps for the next period. Satisfaction surveys help identify the causes of staff turnover, shortcomings in the quality of...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titlePracovní motivace a spokojenost zaměstnancůcs_CZ
dc.typebakalářská prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Adult Education and Personnel Managementen_US
dc.description.departmentKatedra andragogiky a personálního řízenícs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedWork motivation and employees' satisfactionen_US
dc.contributor.refereeFroněk, Jan
thesis.degree.disciplineAndragogika a personální řízenícs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineAdult Education and Personnel Managementen_US
uk.thesis.typebakalářská prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Katedra andragogiky a personálního řízenícs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Department of Adult Education and Personnel Managementen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csAndragogika a personální řízenícs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enAdult Education and Personnel Managementen_US
uk.abstract.csTato bakalaJska prace se zabyva fenomeny pracovni motivace a spokojenosti. Pristup k teto problematice zahrnuje jak hledisko psychologicke, tak hledisko souvisejici s rizenim lidi v organizaci. Teoreticka vychodiska tvori obecne poznatky o motivaci cloveka, pracovni motivaci, moznostech ovlivneni motivace lidi v pracovnim procesu. Prace se taktez venuje pracovni spokojenosti a jejim faktorum. Zabyva se vztahem motivace a spokojenosti k projevum pracovniho chovani, predevsim ke stabilite a pracovnimu vykonu zamestnancu. Prace podava prehled metod zjist'ovani pracovni spokojenosti a predstavuje konkretni pruzkum spokojenosti zamestnancu, ktery byl realizovan v roce 2009 referencni spolecnosti a na j ehoz realizaci j sem se j ako praktikantka personalniho oddeleni podilela. CHern prace je predstavit pruzkum spokojenosti pracovniku, jako nastroj, jehoz prostrednictvim mohou organlzace ziskavat informace 0 stavajici Urovni spokojenosti svych pracovniku. Tyto informace maji zasadni vyznam pfi ovliviiovani motivace pracovniku, pracovniho chovani, tvorbe Ci zmene motivacniho programu v organizaci, pri definovani personaini strategie podniku a planovani systemovych kroku pro dalSi obdobi. Pruzkumy spokojenosti napomahaji zjist'ovat pfiCiny fluktuace pracovniku, nedostatku v kvalite odvadene prace i vykonu,...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThis bachelor work pays attention to the phenomena of motivation and job satisfaction. Approach to this problem involves both the psychological aspect and the aspect associated with managing people in an organization. The theoretical background consists of general knowledge about human motivation, work motivation, how to influence the motivation of people in the work process. Work also deals with job satisfaction and its determinants. Deals with the relationship of motivation and satisfaction of the manifestations of work behavior, especially the stability and work performance of employees. The work presents an overview of techniques for job satisfaction and is the employee satisfaction survey, which was implemented in 2009 by reference organization on which realization I had participated as trainne. of personnel department. The aim of work is to present the staff satisfaction survey as a tool which help organizations to get information about the current level of satisfaction of their employees. This information is crucial in influencing motivation of workers, job behavior, creation or modification of the incentive program in the organization, in defining HR strategy and planning system steps for the next period. Satisfaction surveys help identify the causes of staff turnover, shortcomings in the quality of...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra andragogiky a personálního řízenícs_CZ

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