Umění tvoří skutečnost. Reflexe umění ve 30. a 40. letech 20. století v textech Jindřicha Chalupeckého
Art creates reality. Reflections of art in 1930s and 1940s in the texts of Jindřich Chalupecký
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [23729]
Špirit, Michael
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
Czech Language and Literature
Department of Czech and Comparative Literature
Date of defense
10. 9. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
Very good
Překládaná práce je tedy pokusem nastínit východiska Chalupeckého programových článků a esejů zejména z přelomu třicátých a čtyřicátých let dvacátého století - z doby, v níž se Chalupecký stal mluvčím a teoretikem okruhu umělců a básníků, kteří se spojili do Skupiny 421. Snaží se rovněž poukázat na jejich pozici v kontextu reflexe umění, a to zejména v první třetině dvacátého století.
The presented thesis "Art Creates Reality (Reflections of Art in 1930s and 1940s in the Texts of Jindřich Chalupecký)" tries to outline resources of Chalupecký's programmatic articles and essays mainly from the turn of 30s and 40s of the 20th century. It builds on a hypothesis that Chalupecký's programmatic activity culminating at the beginning of 1940s (in particular the article "World we live in" of 1940) is unthinkable partly without - in a context of modern avant-garde criticism of 1930s - specific understanding and rethinking of a French surrealism, partly without searching for own theoretical approach. This approach was mainly based on a critical reception of the avant-garde art and was enriched with impulsions concerning particularly an effort to reassess and newly define notions, crucial ones for Chalupecký, as art, reality, realism or myth in terms of their relation to life. The thesis should emphasize specifics of Chalupecký's effort to newly define a meaning of modern art in relation to society at that time, which was demonstrated by so called turn to reality or to "world we live in" and by proclamation of "mythology of modern human being" need at the beginning of 1940s. In Chalupecký's considerations this need resulted in the concept of "new realism" in the second half of 1940s.