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Prognózování regionálního populačního vývoje v Kazachstánu
dc.contributor.advisorRychtaříková, Jitka
dc.creatorJazybayeva, Altynay
dc.description.abstractJazybayeva A.: Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan 4 Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan Abstract This dissertation has three objectives. The first objective is to present literature review about theoretical background of regional population forecast. The second objective is to analyze demographic situation with relation to past and current fertility, mortality and migration development in regions of Kazakhstan. The third objective is to demonstrate two practical implementations of regional population projections. The first example is a multiregional population projection with population horizon 2009-2029 for 16 administrative divisions of Kazakhstan using period data for the year 2008 and inferring required age-sex specific interregional transition data. The second example is a multiregional population projection for period 2004-2059 of four macroregions using period-observational plan 2004-2008 and imposing internal consistency relations. The second example follows generations of people born during period of recovering fertility when these generations will be approaching retirement ages. Keywords: multiregional population projections, internal migration, consistency restraints Regionální populační prognóza Republiky Kazachstán Shrnutí Tato disertace má tři...en_US
dc.description.abstractJazybayeva A.: Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan 4 Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan Abstract This dissertation has three objectives. The first objective is to present literature review about theoretical background of regional population forecast. The second objective is to analyze demographic situation with relation to past and current fertility, mortality and migration development in regions of Kazakhstan. The third objective is to demonstrate two practical implementations of regional population projections. The first example is a multiregional population projection with population horizon 2009-2029 for 16 administrative divisions of Kazakhstan using period data for the year 2008 and inferring required age-sex specific interregional transition data. The second example is a multiregional population projection for period 2004-2059 of four macroregions using period-observational plan 2004-2008 and imposing internal consistency relations. The second example follows generations of people born during period of recovering fertility when these generations will be approaching retirement ages. Keywords: multiregional population projections, internal migration, consistency restraints Regionální populační prognóza Republiky Kazachstán Shrnutí Tato disertace má tři...cs_CZ
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
dc.subjectpopulační vývojcs_CZ
dc.subjectpopulation developmenten_US
dc.titleForecasting regional population developments in Kazakhstanen_US
dc.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Demography and Geodemographyen_US
dc.description.departmentKatedra demografie a geodemografiecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Scienceen_US
dc.description.facultyPřírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedPrognózování regionálního populačního vývoje v Kazachstánucs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeBurcin, Boris
dc.contributor.refereeFiala, Tomáš
uk.thesis.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csPřírodovědecká fakulta::Katedra demografie a geodemografiecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Science::Department of Demography and Geodemographyen_US
uk.faculty-name.csPřírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Scienceen_US
uk.abstract.csJazybayeva A.: Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan 4 Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan Abstract This dissertation has three objectives. The first objective is to present literature review about theoretical background of regional population forecast. The second objective is to analyze demographic situation with relation to past and current fertility, mortality and migration development in regions of Kazakhstan. The third objective is to demonstrate two practical implementations of regional population projections. The first example is a multiregional population projection with population horizon 2009-2029 for 16 administrative divisions of Kazakhstan using period data for the year 2008 and inferring required age-sex specific interregional transition data. The second example is a multiregional population projection for period 2004-2059 of four macroregions using period-observational plan 2004-2008 and imposing internal consistency relations. The second example follows generations of people born during period of recovering fertility when these generations will be approaching retirement ages. Keywords: multiregional population projections, internal migration, consistency restraints Regionální populační prognóza Republiky Kazachstán Shrnutí Tato disertace má tři...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enJazybayeva A.: Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan 4 Regional population forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan Abstract This dissertation has three objectives. The first objective is to present literature review about theoretical background of regional population forecast. The second objective is to analyze demographic situation with relation to past and current fertility, mortality and migration development in regions of Kazakhstan. The third objective is to demonstrate two practical implementations of regional population projections. The first example is a multiregional population projection with population horizon 2009-2029 for 16 administrative divisions of Kazakhstan using period data for the year 2008 and inferring required age-sex specific interregional transition data. The second example is a multiregional population projection for period 2004-2059 of four macroregions using period-observational plan 2004-2008 and imposing internal consistency relations. The second example follows generations of people born during period of recovering fertility when these generations will be approaching retirement ages. Keywords: multiregional population projections, internal migration, consistency restraints Regionální populační prognóza Republiky Kazachstán Shrnutí Tato disertace má tři...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Katedra demografie a geodemografiecs_CZ

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