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Mytické paradigma avantgardy a její doby
dc.contributor.advisorGlanc, Tomáš
dc.creatorMicić, Tatjana
dc.description.abstractTato studie se snaii ukazat, jak zmeny mytologie, v Losevove pojeti, ovlivnily umeni, literaturu a pffstup k basnickemujazyku. Studie prezentuje avantgardnf hnutf ve vsech jeho heterogennfch formach jako umenf casu krizf, ktere se objevily v evropske kulture a prinesly velke zmeny do lidskeho vedomi. Popisem umeleckeho postoje k prostoru a casu uvadfme pffklady, jak toto nove vedomf zachazelo s prostorovymi a casovymi vztahy. Tato studie se take zabyva obecnymi myty, ktere jsou ukazovany na pffkladech avantgardnich del. Vybrane myty by mely ukazat touhu avantgardnfch hnutf prestavet, rekonstruovat a pochopit podstatu jazyka umenf a poezie. A vantgardni umenf a literaturu nemuzeme pochopit bez znalosti dobovych souvislostf. Tato hnutf nicmene obsahujf ve sve podstate neco, co je charakteristicke pro myticke myslenf jako takove - periodicky, instinktivnf mivrat k zakladnf a puvodnf cistote se snahou 0 obnovenf vyznamu vyvoje a procesu tvorby. Tento fenomen analyzujeme prostrednictvfm my tu, ktere jsou vsudyprftomne v evropskych a dalSfch kulturach a objevujf se take v avantgardnfch dflech.cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThis paper is trying to present how changes of mythology, in Losev's sense, influenced art, literature and attitude towards poetic language. The study presents the Avant-garde movements in all theirs heterogenic forms, as the art of the period of crises, which appears in European culture and brought big changes in the consciousness of people. By describing an artistic attitude towards space and time we give examples how this new consciousness dealt with the spatial and time relations. Also this paper deals with the universal myths that are shown on the examples of the Avant-garde works of art. The chosen myths should present a desire of the Avant-garde movements to rebuilt, reconstruct and understand the very essence of the language of art and poetry. The Avant-garde art and literature cannot be understood if separated from the time when they appeared. Nevertheless, these movements carry in essence something that is generally characteristic of mythical thinking as well - that is, the periodical, instinctive return to essence and original purity with an aspiration to reconstruct the genetic moment and the act of creating. This phenomenon we analyze through myths that are omnipresent in European and other cultures and which appear in Avant-garde works as well.en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleMythical paradigms of the avant-garde and its timeen_US
dc.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentInstitute of Slavonic and East European Studiesen_US
dc.description.departmentÚstav slavistických a východoevropských studiícs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.title.translatedMytické paradigma avantgardy a její dobycs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeProcházka, Martin
dc.contributor.refereeJedličková, Alice
thesis.degree.disciplineSlavic Literature Studiesen_US
thesis.degree.disciplineSlovanské literaturycs_CZ
uk.thesis.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Ústav slavistických a východoevropských studiícs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Institute of Slavonic and East European Studiesen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csSlovanské literaturycs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enSlavic Literature Studiesen_US
uk.abstract.csTato studie se snaii ukazat, jak zmeny mytologie, v Losevove pojeti, ovlivnily umeni, literaturu a pffstup k basnickemujazyku. Studie prezentuje avantgardnf hnutf ve vsech jeho heterogennfch formach jako umenf casu krizf, ktere se objevily v evropske kulture a prinesly velke zmeny do lidskeho vedomi. Popisem umeleckeho postoje k prostoru a casu uvadfme pffklady, jak toto nove vedomf zachazelo s prostorovymi a casovymi vztahy. Tato studie se take zabyva obecnymi myty, ktere jsou ukazovany na pffkladech avantgardnich del. Vybrane myty by mely ukazat touhu avantgardnfch hnutf prestavet, rekonstruovat a pochopit podstatu jazyka umenf a poezie. A vantgardni umenf a literaturu nemuzeme pochopit bez znalosti dobovych souvislostf. Tato hnutf nicmene obsahujf ve sve podstate neco, co je charakteristicke pro myticke myslenf jako takove - periodicky, instinktivnf mivrat k zakladnf a puvodnf cistote se snahou 0 obnovenf vyznamu vyvoje a procesu tvorby. Tento fenomen analyzujeme prostrednictvfm my tu, ktere jsou vsudyprftomne v evropskych a dalSfch kulturach a objevujf se take v avantgardnfch dflech.cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThis paper is trying to present how changes of mythology, in Losev's sense, influenced art, literature and attitude towards poetic language. The study presents the Avant-garde movements in all theirs heterogenic forms, as the art of the period of crises, which appears in European culture and brought big changes in the consciousness of people. By describing an artistic attitude towards space and time we give examples how this new consciousness dealt with the spatial and time relations. Also this paper deals with the universal myths that are shown on the examples of the Avant-garde works of art. The chosen myths should present a desire of the Avant-garde movements to rebuilt, reconstruct and understand the very essence of the language of art and poetry. The Avant-garde art and literature cannot be understood if separated from the time when they appeared. Nevertheless, these movements carry in essence something that is generally characteristic of mythical thinking as well - that is, the periodical, instinctive return to essence and original purity with an aspiration to reconstruct the genetic moment and the act of creating. This phenomenon we analyze through myths that are omnipresent in European and other cultures and which appear in Avant-garde works as well.en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav slavistických a východoevropských studiícs_CZ

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