Edukace a výchova dítěte s mentálním postižením
Education of Child with Mental Retardation
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 28232
- Kvalifikační práce [1516]
Janelová, Soňa
Faculty / Institute
Protestant Theological Faculty
Pastoral and Social Work
Date of defense
13. 9. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Evangelická teologická fakultaLanguage
Tato bakalářská práce je o sedmnáctiletém Petrovi postiženém mentální retardací a dětskou mozkovou obrnou. Chodí do speciální školy v Praze, kde zároveň pracuji i já jako asistent pedagoga. Bude zde popsána charakteristika jeho postižení, podrobné informace o Petrovi, způsoby jeho vzdělávání i výchovy a srovnání pohledů na Petra ze strany rodiny a odborného personálu, což bude cílem práce společně s ukázáním jeho pokroků ve vzdělávání a smyslu vzdělávat lidi i těžce mentálně postižené. Powered by TCPDF (
This Bachelor's work is about seventeen years old Peter who has a severe mental retardation and a cerebral polio. I am in touch with him for four years. I know him as a pedagogical assistant and a personal assistant, too. I used these experiences for this work. Firstly it is about characteristics of these diseases. Next follows personal information about Peter. Then his education and family view in comparison with specialists. The point of this work is to show that it is also possible to educate people with the severe mental retardation and then a different or equal view of people who are daily in touch with him and those who stay with him only during working hours. It is necessary to integrate these people to society and should not stay only with their family. The education is important and we can see that also severe mental retardation does not stop them from education. The questionary is asking family and specialists for their view of Peter. The questions are: How does he eat? , How does he rest after lunch? , How does he sleep? , Do you understand his communication? , What kind of approach leads to his positive reflex? , What do you do with his hyperactivity? , Are you able to take care about Peter for a weekend? and Do you know his favourite activity? The answers were mostly the same. The difference is...