Linking in French Speakers of English
Vázání u francouzských mluvčích angličtiny
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)

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Study Information System: 201571
- Kvalifikační práce [23779]
Luef, Eva Maria
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
English and American Studies - German for Intercultural Communication
Department of the English Language and ELT Methodology
Date of defense
3. 9. 2020
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
Very good
Keywords (Czech)
francouzština|angličtina|vázání|glotalizace|akvizice fonologie cizího jazykaKeywords (English)
French|English|linking|glottalization|phonology acquisitionCílem této bakal sk pr ce je analyzovat, jak m p sobem franco rodil ml dosahují plynulosti pomocí vázání v anglické spontánní a p ipra en e i. Teore ick s práce se zabývá osvojováním fonologie cizího jazyka a faktory, které jej o li j . Dále obsahuje podrobný popis p n a role glo ali ace angli in a franco in . Na r teoretické s i d me p ehled dosa adn ch k m , k er se zabývaly analýzou fenom n n v angli in franco sk ch rodil ch ml ch, p ede m ed kl d n m konsonantu [h] na okalick a k slo , nebo naopak jeho vynechávání. Prak ick s se n je analýze 19 nahrávek franco sk ch ml ch, k er se skládají ze s : improvizované konverzace, e b p ipra en ho textu a e b 12 jedno li ch . E perimen doka je, e franco rodil ml angli in as ji ne glo ali j . Vynechávání po e n ho konsonantu [h] a n sledn n no nikl ch slo s okalick m po kem je pom rn as m je em, kde o kl d n konsonan [h] na okalick po k slo je sp e charakteristikou daného ml ho a nem e b ed obecn no na echn ml franco in . Kl ov slova: franco ina, angli ina, n , glo ali ace, akvizice fonologie cizího jazyka.
This bachelor thesis aims to analyse linking phenomena in spontaneous and read speech of French native speakers. The theoretical part includes a detailed description of the linking phenomena in English and French, as well as the role of glottalization in both languages. Finally, we also include an overview of studies that explore the specific phenomena of linking in French speakers in English, especially the deletion of the consonant [h] and its insertion at the onset of vowel-initial words. The experimental part focuses on the analysis of 19 recording of French speakers of English. All recordings consist of three parts: a spontaneous conversation, prepared and read text, and twelve phrases. The research shows that French native speakers tend to link words in English more frequently than to glottalize. Initial [h] deletion is a relatively common phenomenon, by contrast, [h] epenthesis is rather characteristic for individual speakers and cannot be generalised. Key words: French, English, linking, glottalization, L2 phonology acquisition.