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Youth athletes training
dc.contributor.advisorVindušková, Jitka
dc.creatorStoklasová, Lucie
dc.description.abstractAthlete in basic and special period of training Objectives: The aim of subject bachelor thesis is try to find the starting point of future vocational career, based on the selfreflexion of author's life story. The starting points should determine life direction and vocational career of author which can be used in coach practice. Methods: This work uses methods of analysis, autoanalysis, comparison and selfreflexion. Results: The aims has been fulfilled. On the base of recapitulation of life story, the author realized the direction of future vocational career. Keywords: track and field, basic and special period of athletic training, child development, developmental psychology, psychosocial development of child, training, general trainingcs_CZ
dc.description.abstractAthlete in basic and special period of training Objectives: The aim of subject bachelor thesis is try to find the starting point of future vocational career, based on the selfreflexion of author's life story. The starting points should determine life direction and vocational career of author which can be used in coach practice. Methods: This work uses methods of analysis, autoanalysis, comparison and selfreflexion. Results: The aims has been fulfilled. On the base of recapitulation of life story, the author realized the direction of future vocational career. Keywords: track and field, basic and special period of athletic training, child development, developmental psychology, psychosocial development of child, training, general trainingen_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
dc.subjectzákladní a specializovaná etapa atletického tréninkucs_CZ
dc.subjectvývoj dítětecs_CZ
dc.subjectvývojová psychologiecs_CZ
dc.subjectpsychosociální vývoj dítětecs_CZ
dc.subjectvšeobecná sportovní přípravacs_CZ
dc.subjecttrack and fielden_US
dc.subjectbasic and special period of athletic trainingen_US
dc.subjectchild developmenten_US
dc.subjectdevelopmental psychologyen_US
dc.subjectpsychosocial development of childen_US
dc.subjectgeneral trainingen_US
dc.titleAtletka v základní a specializované etapě tréninkucs_CZ
dc.typebakalářská prácecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Physical Education and Sporten_US
dc.description.facultyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
dc.title.translatedYouth athletes trainingen_US
dc.contributor.refereeKomínková, Linda
thesis.degree.disciplinePhysical Education and Sporten_US
thesis.degree.disciplineTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
thesis.degree.programPhysical Education and Sporten_US
thesis.degree.programTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
uk.thesis.typebakalářská prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu::Atletikacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.csFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Physical Education and Sporten_US
uk.degree-discipline.csTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enPhysical Education and Sporten_US
uk.degree-program.csTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enPhysical Education and Sporten_US
uk.abstract.csAthlete in basic and special period of training Objectives: The aim of subject bachelor thesis is try to find the starting point of future vocational career, based on the selfreflexion of author's life story. The starting points should determine life direction and vocational career of author which can be used in coach practice. Methods: This work uses methods of analysis, autoanalysis, comparison and selfreflexion. Results: The aims has been fulfilled. On the base of recapitulation of life story, the author realized the direction of future vocational career. Keywords: track and field, basic and special period of athletic training, child development, developmental psychology, psychosocial development of child, training, general trainingcs_CZ
uk.abstract.enAthlete in basic and special period of training Objectives: The aim of subject bachelor thesis is try to find the starting point of future vocational career, based on the selfreflexion of author's life story. The starting points should determine life direction and vocational career of author which can be used in coach practice. Methods: This work uses methods of analysis, autoanalysis, comparison and selfreflexion. Results: The aims has been fulfilled. On the base of recapitulation of life story, the author realized the direction of future vocational career. Keywords: track and field, basic and special period of athletic training, child development, developmental psychology, psychosocial development of child, training, general trainingen_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Atletikacs_CZ

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