Česká teorie fotografie : 40.-60. léta 20. století
Czech photographie theory in the period 1940-1960
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)

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- Kvalifikační práce [18347]
Chuchma, Josef
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Journalism
Date of defense
20. 6. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních vědLanguage
Very good
Česká teorie fotografie má bohatou tradici, během níž dokázala držet krok se světovými vývojovými trendy. Vždy také existovaly osobnosti, které kromě vlastní tvorby zajímaly i teoretické otázky média. V této práci se pokusím prokázat, zda ve sledovaném období 40.- 60. let 20. stol. v Československu existovala česká teorie fotografie. Jako studijní materiál mi bude sloužit odborná literatura a teoretické články o fotografii z periodického tisku. V práci budu rovněž sledovat, jak se na vývoji teorie fotografie projevily společenské a politické změny v tehdejším Československu. Metodou práce bude deskriptivní analýza. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Collecting all the documents on Czechoslovak photographic theory in the period 19401969 published in the Czechoslovak periodical press and the treatises proved through descriptive analysis that the first-rate photography theory did exist in Czechoslovakia of that time. It was in spite of the former political regime efforts to assign the photography tendency by means of the so called Marxist-Lcninist theory and the fact that it was almost impossible to gain information on foreign up-to-date trend. Especially in the early fifties of the 20th century the dcvelopement of the Czechoslovak photography and its theory stagnated because of the dogmatic principles of the regime 's favored theorists. Yet in the late fifties the authors proficiently dealing with certain large photography issues were allowed to publish as well and thus crucially affected other theorists. both professional and amateur photographers and the lay public and their view of the Czechoslovak photography and under the given conditions the world photography and facilitated the Czechoslovak photography theory developement as well as the photography practice devclopcment. It was especially the editors and contributors of the Ceskoslovenska fotografie and Revue Fotografie who did their best to transmit information from abroad to the public and from...