Ukrajinská pracovní migrace do ČR
Ukrainian Labour Migration to the Czech Republic
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 56130
- Kvalifikační práce [6509]
Uherek, Zdeněk
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Humanities
General Anthropology
Department of General Anthropology
Date of defense
18. 6. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studiíLanguage
Tématem této práce je pracovní migrace z Ukrajiny do České republiky. Autor se zajímá o legální i nelegální způsoby pobytu a práce ukrajinských pracovních dělniků v České republice. Jedna z nejdůležitějších klíčových otázek- Je snadnější a výhodnější pracovat v České republice legálně nebo ilegálně.
The topic of the thesis is a labour migration from the Ukraine to the Czech Republic. The author is interested in legal and illegal ways of stay and working of Ukrainian labour migrants in the Czech Republic. One of the crucial research questions is: Is it easier and more profitable for people to work legally or illegally in the Czech Republic? Another important issue is represented by question: Why people take advantage of illegal techniques to fulfil their intentions? What kind of problems do they have? The paper is focused on problems concerning acquirement of visa, labour permission, health insurance and other documents necessary for the legal stay and labour in the Czech Republic. Migrants can make use of services of socalled clients in such cases. The clients manage to obtain documents, work, accommodation and so on. However, some services of the clients can be illegal and sometimes part of the clients can be connected with the organized crime (maffia). Such dishonest clients exploit migrants and steal money from them. Last but not least, the thesis deals with the history of the migration from the Ukraine to the Czech Republic in the twentieth century, the demographic data and the migration trends.