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National socialist party of Czech workers and peasants
dc.contributor.advisorHlavačka, Milan
dc.creatorKyselák, Milan
dc.description.abstractTematem teto diplomove pnice je problematika ceskych fasistickych stran Ci hnuti za okupace. Konkretne se zameruje na Narodne socialistickou ceskou delnickou a rolnickou stranu zeleneho hakoveho krize, ktera v tomto obdobi vyvijela svou cinnost. Badatelskou Cinnost jsem zameroval predevsim na zivotopis vudce strany Frantiska Mikulase Mlcocha, dale na Cinnost strany v Kojetine a okoli a v klastere kongregace sester radu sv. Hedviky v Nezamyslicich okres Prostejov. Take je zpracovan vYvoj strany jako celku. Pro uvedeni do problematiky jsem v prvni kapitole nastinil zrod a vYvoj dvou reZimu, fasismu a nacismu, z nichz ten druhy byl pfimym vzorem NSCDRS-ZHK. V druM kapitole je popsan zakladni vYvoj fasismu v ceskych zemich v doM od vzniku Ceskoslovenske republiky (s vazbou na stay pred rokem 1918) az do konce druM svetove valky. V techto kapitolach, a to zdurazlluji, jsem nemel za cil vnest nove poznatky badani, ale jen stavajici informace shrnout pro zasazeni problematiky do sirsiho celku. Tato prace se po badatelske strance zameruje na Cinnost NSCDRS-ZHK. Duvody proc pisi 0 tomto tematu, jsou z me strany velice prozaicke. Ve sve proseminarni praci jsem se zabyval celkovym historickym vYvojem Kojetina. 0 Kojetine jsem psal z toho duvodu, ze jsem rodakem a obyvatelem tohoto mesta. Pri teto praci jsem narazil na...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractNational socialist Party of Czech workers and peasants (Party of green svastika) was one of important organizations of Czech fascists. The Party operated in the years 1939 - 1942, in the time of Protectorate Czech - Moravia, and included 2,000 members. The Party was dangerous first of all because of its open cooperation with occupation institutions of Nazi Germany. The Party operated especially in Middle and East Moravia, furthermore in Prague. The Party gained its biggest boom in the years 1940 - 1941. The founder and leader of the Party was F. M. Mlcoch from the UhliCice village by Kojetin. He studied service academy in Marburg. After that he was a soldier of the AustroHungarian army, where he defrauded money and escaped abroad. Later he came back to Austro-Hungary, and was punished for what he had done. At the beginning of the First World War Mlcoch entered the army again and fighted at the east front from where he deserted into the captivity of the enemy. He was a legionnaire in Russia for a while, later became a soldier of the Russian Bolshevik's army. After the War he came back to Czechoslovakia, where he entered the Czechoslovakian army for a short time, but was dismissed. He became an active communist and then was involved in the communistic putsch, for which he was sentenced to a half-year...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleNárodně socialistická česká dělnická a rolnická stranacs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentInstitute of Czech Historyen_US
dc.description.departmentÚstav českých dějincs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.title.translatedNational socialist party of Czech workers and peasantsen_US
dc.contributor.refereeRychlík, Jan
thesis.degree.disciplineUčitelství všeobecně vzdělávacích předmětů pro SŠ geografie - historiecs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineTeaching of Geography and History for Secondary Schoolsen_US
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Ústav českých dějincs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Institute of Czech Historyen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csUčitelství všeobecně vzdělávacích předmětů pro SŠ geografie - historiecs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enTeaching of Geography and History for Secondary Schoolsen_US
thesis.grade.csVelmi dobřecs_CZ
thesis.grade.enVery gooden_US
uk.abstract.csTematem teto diplomove pnice je problematika ceskych fasistickych stran Ci hnuti za okupace. Konkretne se zameruje na Narodne socialistickou ceskou delnickou a rolnickou stranu zeleneho hakoveho krize, ktera v tomto obdobi vyvijela svou cinnost. Badatelskou Cinnost jsem zameroval predevsim na zivotopis vudce strany Frantiska Mikulase Mlcocha, dale na Cinnost strany v Kojetine a okoli a v klastere kongregace sester radu sv. Hedviky v Nezamyslicich okres Prostejov. Take je zpracovan vYvoj strany jako celku. Pro uvedeni do problematiky jsem v prvni kapitole nastinil zrod a vYvoj dvou reZimu, fasismu a nacismu, z nichz ten druhy byl pfimym vzorem NSCDRS-ZHK. V druM kapitole je popsan zakladni vYvoj fasismu v ceskych zemich v doM od vzniku Ceskoslovenske republiky (s vazbou na stay pred rokem 1918) az do konce druM svetove valky. V techto kapitolach, a to zdurazlluji, jsem nemel za cil vnest nove poznatky badani, ale jen stavajici informace shrnout pro zasazeni problematiky do sirsiho celku. Tato prace se po badatelske strance zameruje na Cinnost NSCDRS-ZHK. Duvody proc pisi 0 tomto tematu, jsou z me strany velice prozaicke. Ve sve proseminarni praci jsem se zabyval celkovym historickym vYvojem Kojetina. 0 Kojetine jsem psal z toho duvodu, ze jsem rodakem a obyvatelem tohoto mesta. Pri teto praci jsem narazil na...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enNational socialist Party of Czech workers and peasants (Party of green svastika) was one of important organizations of Czech fascists. The Party operated in the years 1939 - 1942, in the time of Protectorate Czech - Moravia, and included 2,000 members. The Party was dangerous first of all because of its open cooperation with occupation institutions of Nazi Germany. The Party operated especially in Middle and East Moravia, furthermore in Prague. The Party gained its biggest boom in the years 1940 - 1941. The founder and leader of the Party was F. M. Mlcoch from the UhliCice village by Kojetin. He studied service academy in Marburg. After that he was a soldier of the AustroHungarian army, where he defrauded money and escaped abroad. Later he came back to Austro-Hungary, and was punished for what he had done. At the beginning of the First World War Mlcoch entered the army again and fighted at the east front from where he deserted into the captivity of the enemy. He was a legionnaire in Russia for a while, later became a soldier of the Russian Bolshevik's army. After the War he came back to Czechoslovakia, where he entered the Czechoslovakian army for a short time, but was dismissed. He became an active communist and then was involved in the communistic putsch, for which he was sentenced to a half-year...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav českých dějincs_CZ

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