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Vysvětlení a predikce invaze dřevin ve střední Evropě za použití histroricko-ekologických faktorů
dc.creatorKřivánek, Martin
dc.description.abstractZávóry Cí|errt ttve:tJt:ný<Jrs|trtlrí lry|o z1rstrt vutahy a výzttanttt<tsIcko|<4;ir:kýclr;t tristtlrickýctr 1xotrlčlurý<1r sotluse'1ir;irJrs ť'sÍÉší)ýmtnvazttittt pÍ()ccse|ll tlit:vtll v <lb|irstrslícrlrri t:vropy Z h|a|rska irtv;rzttiblllotIit: přc<ls(avt1i dievsly ifi'|)1| z 11('l)|oblc'nal(..lr:]iitJrŽivtllrli<JrIorcrlt' <.'ož<>dtážíi;r:ir1r ýzn;rrttt() z;|sto(|Í)enívc sktrplrrě ce|rlsvt.:lovčrrejlroršit1rllvazniclt c|rtl!tťr' Jc(|'|iln Z tlobrytlr &lt;|ůvodripnl sludrtlnt lóltl skr4liny 1sotrncvta|ttó zmÓl)y v ckosys|.ÍItr)(J|' klcre irtv:rzc ltltJ(o tlrq;lttislltťlvclrnr č:rsto7půsolx]ji l)rultýtrr t!ůvtxlrrn jr: vr:|kt:tllttožslví t|o.slt4rrtýclt d.|t' Zeilnóna () vI|Vt|č|ov(|k;|il 'cho :tktlvt(:icJr(tt;r1ritnit-.ta dott;i lX)s'tov;iÍ|í). l)tivod pro slrrdrutn otlráží i tlrř:it;iarrtbiva|cnrx:tólo skupiny: na 'cdná sltartc sc 1r:dnácasto tl vc|tni v;izttť: tttvaztti r|tully s ttr-'1xl1riratt:|rrýmne1;:rtIvnirnv|ivern,rta slt;trx: tlrultr:i:;ou pr;ivu tyb dÍUhy vckrli čast() 1xtrl1urtrv:irry,šiřurly a vyttŽtv:irry pro tlicvrti p|(XJukci. Í)Otí'|Vl'a okrasrtti tiče|y [)otlriicí &lt;Jc:trrJrtÍlúaČeskó rcpullliky cítá okokr 2{}0rjru|lrl.NapÍ()|iloÍnu 1liesrró čís|rr&lt;lrultú ttepitvodrríclt ttetti znánt&lt;l. av&amp;fk na z'áklattr.\niznýc-|t1líistupúa (lal lcl |7c (xJllilct()Vatrli| (tr;} 4300 dtulrtj. J)icsná dala...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractConclusions The studies presented focus on the historical and ecological traits corresponding with the successful invasion process of alien woody plants in Central Europe. In regard to invasion biology, woody plant species are among the most problematic plant life forms and constitute a high proportion of the World's worst invasive species. The irreversible changes in ecosystems often caused by invasion of these species constitute one good reason for study. The second is the large amount of data available, especially on human influence and activity (such as the intensity of planting, residence time). The reason for studying alien woody species is also reflected in their ambivalence: on the one hand, the group is represented by the most serious invasive species, while on the other hand, there is still strong pressure to plant these species for timber, food and ornamental purposes. The native woody flora of the Czech Republic contains about 280 species. The exact number of alien woody species in not known. Based on different approaches and datasets, it has been estimated to be in the order of 4,300 species. Exact data is available for a representative sample of frequently-planted alien woody species that contains 1,691 species. An estimated 128 alien species have escaped from cultivation, of which about 17...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleExplanation and risk assessment of alien woody plants invasion in Central Europe by historical and ecological factorsen_US
dc.typerigorózní prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentKatedra botanikycs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Botanyen_US
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Scienceen_US
dc.description.facultyPřírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedVysvětlení a predikce invaze dřevin ve střední Evropě za použití histroricko-ekologických faktorůcs_CZ
thesis.degree.levelrigorózní řízenícs_CZ
uk.thesis.typerigorózní prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csPřírodovědecká fakulta::Katedra botanikycs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Science::Department of Botanyen_US
uk.faculty-name.csPřírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Scienceen_US
uk.abstract.csZávóry Cí|errt ttve:tJt:ný<Jrs|trtlrí lry|o z1rstrt vutahy a výzttanttt<tsIcko|<4;ir:kýclr;t tristtlrickýctr 1xotrlčlurý<1r sotluse'1ir;irJrs ť'sÍÉší)ýmtnvazttittt pÍ()ccse|ll tlit:vtll v <lb|irstrslícrlrri t:vropy Z h|a|rska irtv;rzttiblllotIit: přc<ls(avt1i dievsly ifi'|)1| z 11('l)|oblc'nal(..lr:]iitJrŽivtllrli<JrIorcrlt' <.'ož<>dtážíi;r:ir1r ýzn;rrttt() z;|sto(|Í)enívc sktrplrrě ce|rlsvt.:lovčrrejlroršit1rllvazniclt c|rtl!tťr' Jc(|'|iln Z tlobrytlr &lt;|ůvodripnl sludrtlnt lóltl skr4liny 1sotrncvta|ttó zmÓl)y v ckosys|.ÍItr)(J|' klcre irtv:rzc ltltJ(o tlrq;lttislltťlvclrnr č:rsto7půsolx]ji l)rultýtrr t!ůvtxlrrn jr: vr:|kt:tllttožslví t|o.slt4rrtýclt d.|t' Zeilnóna () vI|Vt|č|ov(|k;|il 'cho :tktlvt(:icJr(tt;r1ritnit-.ta dott;i lX)s'tov;iÍ|í). l)tivod pro slrrdrutn otlráží i tlrř:it;iarrtbiva|cnrx:tólo skupiny: na 'cdná sltartc sc 1r:dnácasto tl vc|tni v;izttť: tttvaztti r|tully s ttr-'1xl1riratt:|rrýmne1;:rtIvnirnv|ivern,rta slt;trx: tlrultr:i:;ou pr;ivu tyb dÍUhy vckrli čast() 1xtrl1urtrv:irry,šiřurly a vyttŽtv:irry pro tlicvrti p|(XJukci. Í)Otí'|Vl'a okrasrtti tiče|y [)otlriicí &lt;Jc:trrJrtÍlúaČeskó rcpullliky cítá okokr 2{}0rjru|lrl.NapÍ()|iloÍnu 1liesrró čís|rr&lt;lrultú ttepitvodrríclt ttetti znánt&lt;l. av&amp;fk na z'áklattr.\niznýc-|t1líistupúa (lal lcl |7c (xJllilct()Vatrli| (tr;} 4300 dtulrtj. J)icsná dala...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enConclusions The studies presented focus on the historical and ecological traits corresponding with the successful invasion process of alien woody plants in Central Europe. In regard to invasion biology, woody plant species are among the most problematic plant life forms and constitute a high proportion of the World's worst invasive species. The irreversible changes in ecosystems often caused by invasion of these species constitute one good reason for study. The second is the large amount of data available, especially on human influence and activity (such as the intensity of planting, residence time). The reason for studying alien woody species is also reflected in their ambivalence: on the one hand, the group is represented by the most serious invasive species, while on the other hand, there is still strong pressure to plant these species for timber, food and ornamental purposes. The native woody flora of the Czech Republic contains about 280 species. The exact number of alien woody species in not known. Based on different approaches and datasets, it has been estimated to be in the order of 4,300 species. Exact data is available for a representative sample of frequently-planted alien woody species that contains 1,691 species. An estimated 128 alien species have escaped from cultivation, of which about 17...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Katedra botanikycs_CZ

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