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Holocene environmental history of the Czech Karst on the basis of malacostratigraphic analyses
dc.contributor.advisorMarek, Jaroslav
dc.creatorHlaváč, Jaroslav
dc.description.abstractIntroduction The faunal response to crimatic- and vegetal change during the HolocenelPostglacial) is known in far. r.t. a.ti'r,' although the information issufficient ťor certain amongst invertebrates f::'lť ^* ."*uT' regions. Molluscs are unusual potentrally be ","o t3"'i3;.::"'::;:.T *;:Í..Ti:,T$#T:j, ""*Ípalaeoenvironmental questions. rne mosi vatuable sequeň",?i^oliiou,rythose that are continuous' cover long periods of time and furnish fossilassemblages that faithfulty reflect tn.li"i"g ""mmunities, from whicrr trrey''r ere derived. Relatively few deposits "onřuini.'g molluscs fulfill all these :HÍ:^ but calcareous tufa áeposits ;;;^ thes. ..qui,"-.n;; ]; i".g" The czech Karst' formed by pareozoic limestone and rocated in the centrarpart of Bohemia between |.tl ana zaliě, is an area with numerousieposits of calcareous tufa. In this karst area about 70 localities are know "rhere calcareous tufa precipitates or was deposited in the past. (Kovanda]971: Ložek 1992;Kaď1ecoia a Žat, rqďsl. '"" Purpose of dissertation The purpose of submitted work is to give the characteristicpaleoenvironmental development of selected io"uiiti", in the Czech řarst'and to complete existing- knowledge utout it. environmentar developmentrn this karst area during Holocene p"eriod- --'- rnls worl( comes from data acquired from a...en_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction The faunal response to crimatic- and vegetal change during the HolocenelPostglacial) is known in far. r.t. a.ti'r,' although the information issufficient ťor certain amongst invertebrates f::'lť ^* ."*uT' regions. Molluscs are unusual potentrally be ","o t3"'i3;.::"'::;:.T *;:Í..Ti:,T$#T:j, ""*Ípalaeoenvironmental questions. rne mosi vatuable sequeň",?i^oliiou,rythose that are continuous' cover long periods of time and furnish fossilassemblages that faithfulty reflect tn.li"i"g ""mmunities, from whicrr trrey''r ere derived. Relatively few deposits "onřuini.'g molluscs fulfill all these :HÍ:^ but calcareous tufa áeposits ;;;^ thes. ..qui,"-.n;; ]; i".g" The czech Karst' formed by pareozoic limestone and rocated in the centrarpart of Bohemia between |.tl ana zaliě, is an area with numerousieposits of calcareous tufa. In this karst area about 70 localities are know "rhere calcareous tufa precipitates or was deposited in the past. (Kovanda]971: Ložek 1992;Kaď1ecoia a Žat, rqďsl. '"" Purpose of dissertation The purpose of submitted work is to give the characteristicpaleoenvironmental development of selected io"uiiti", in the Czech řarst'and to complete existing- knowledge utout it. environmentar developmentrn this karst area during Holocene p"eriod- --'- rnls worl( comes from data acquired from a...cs_CZ
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleVývoj přírodního prostředí Českého krasu v holocénu na podkladě malakostratigrafických analýzcs_CZ
dc.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentInstitute of Geology and Paleontologyen_US
dc.description.departmentÚstav geologie a paleontologiecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Scienceen_US
dc.description.facultyPřírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedHolocene environmental history of the Czech Karst on the basis of malacostratigraphic analysesen_US
dc.contributor.refereeJuřičková, Lucie
dc.contributor.refereeKovanda, Jiří
thesis.degree.disciplineGeology with Specialisationen_US
thesis.degree.disciplineGeologie se zaměřenímics_CZ
uk.thesis.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csPřírodovědecká fakulta::Ústav geologie a paleontologiecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Science::Institute of Geology and Paleontologyen_US
uk.faculty-name.csPřírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Scienceen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csGeologie se zaměřenímics_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enGeology with Specialisationen_US
uk.abstract.csIntroduction The faunal response to crimatic- and vegetal change during the HolocenelPostglacial) is known in far. r.t. a.ti'r,' although the information issufficient ťor certain amongst invertebrates f::'lť ^* ."*uT' regions. Molluscs are unusual potentrally be ","o t3"'i3;.::"'::;:.T *;:Í..Ti:,T$#T:j, ""*Ípalaeoenvironmental questions. rne mosi vatuable sequeň",?i^oliiou,rythose that are continuous' cover long periods of time and furnish fossilassemblages that faithfulty reflect tn.li"i"g ""mmunities, from whicrr trrey''r ere derived. Relatively few deposits "onřuini.'g molluscs fulfill all these :HÍ:^ but calcareous tufa áeposits ;;;^ thes. ..qui,"-.n;; ]; i".g" The czech Karst' formed by pareozoic limestone and rocated in the centrarpart of Bohemia between |.tl ana zaliě, is an area with numerousieposits of calcareous tufa. In this karst area about 70 localities are know "rhere calcareous tufa precipitates or was deposited in the past. (Kovanda]971: Ložek 1992;Kaď1ecoia a Žat, rqďsl. '"" Purpose of dissertation The purpose of submitted work is to give the characteristicpaleoenvironmental development of selected io"uiiti", in the Czech řarst'and to complete existing- knowledge utout it. environmentar developmentrn this karst area during Holocene p"eriod- --'- rnls worl( comes from data acquired from a...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enIntroduction The faunal response to crimatic- and vegetal change during the HolocenelPostglacial) is known in far. r.t. a.ti'r,' although the information issufficient ťor certain amongst invertebrates f::'lť ^* ."*uT' regions. Molluscs are unusual potentrally be ","o t3"'i3;.::"'::;:.T *;:Í..Ti:,T$#T:j, ""*Ípalaeoenvironmental questions. rne mosi vatuable sequeň",?i^oliiou,rythose that are continuous' cover long periods of time and furnish fossilassemblages that faithfulty reflect tn.li"i"g ""mmunities, from whicrr trrey''r ere derived. Relatively few deposits "onřuini.'g molluscs fulfill all these :HÍ:^ but calcareous tufa áeposits ;;;^ thes. ..qui,"-.n;; ]; i".g" The czech Karst' formed by pareozoic limestone and rocated in the centrarpart of Bohemia between |.tl ana zaliě, is an area with numerousieposits of calcareous tufa. In this karst area about 70 localities are know "rhere calcareous tufa precipitates or was deposited in the past. (Kovanda]971: Ložek 1992;Kaď1ecoia a Žat, rqďsl. '"" Purpose of dissertation The purpose of submitted work is to give the characteristicpaleoenvironmental development of selected io"uiiti", in the Czech řarst'and to complete existing- knowledge utout it. environmentar developmentrn this karst area during Holocene p"eriod- --'- rnls worl( comes from data acquired from a...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav geologie a paleontologiecs_CZ

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