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ESA - překážka pro další supranacionalizaci?
dc.contributor.advisorYoung, Mitchell
dc.creatorFarkač, Martin
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this masters thesis is to assess the relation between two organizations with competences towards the European space policy that happen to be in dispute over these competences - the European Union (EU) and the European Space Agency (ESA). The main research question asks whether the ESA hinders further supranationalization of the space matters within the EU framework and the research uses the lenses of the theory of the rational design which highlights the importance of the Member States as the decisive actors in this question who have to incline one way or the other. This thesis examines relevant documents issued by the EU and the ESA, as well as at the positions of the Member States of the European Space Agency with regard to this dispute, and concludes that the ESA indeed hinders further supranationalization of the space matters within the EU framework because it goes against the positions and interests of the Member States. The hindrance reaches the level that the only thing the Member States are willing to do is to adjust the financial procedures in respect to the programmes run by ESA and funded by the EU to ensure their efficient implementation complying with EU rules.en_US
dc.description.abstractCHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of International Studies Department of European Studies Master's Thesis 2018 Martin Farkač CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of International Studies Department of European Studies ESA - A Hindrance for Further Supranationalization? Master's thesis Author: Martin Farkač Study programme: International Territorial Studies Supervisor: Mitchell Young, M.A., Ph.D. Year of the defence: 2018 Declaration 1. I hereby declare that I have compiled this thesis using the listed literature and resources only. 2. I hereby declare that my thesis has not been used to gain any other academic title. 3. I fully agree to my work being used for study and scientific purposes. In Prague on 5 January 2018 Martin Farkač References FARKAČ, Martin. ESA - A Hindrance for Further Supranationalization?. Praha, 2018. 97 pages. Master's thesis (Mgr.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of International Studies. Department of European Studies. Supervisor Mitchell Young, M.A, Ph.D. Length of the thesis: 143 247 characters with spaces; 169 374 characters with spaces if notes and text fields are included Abstract The aim of this masters thesis is to assess the relation between two organizations with competences towards the European space policy...cs_CZ
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních vědcs_CZ
dc.subjectspace policyen_US
dc.subjectEuropean Space Agencyen_US
dc.subjectEuropean Unionen_US
dc.subjectEuropean Space Policyen_US
dc.subjectrational design theoryen_US
dc.subjectvesmírná politikacs_CZ
dc.subjectEvropská kosmická agenturacs_CZ
dc.subjectEvropská uniecs_CZ
dc.subjectevropská vesmírná politikacs_CZ
dc.subjectteorie racionálního designucs_CZ
dc.titleESA - A Hindrance for Further Supranationalization?en_US
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of European Studiesen_US
dc.description.departmentKatedra evropských studiícs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Social Sciencesen_US
dc.description.facultyFakulta sociálních vědcs_CZ
dc.title.translatedESA - překážka pro další supranacionalizaci?cs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeŠlosarčík, Ivo
thesis.degree.levelnavazující magisterskécs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineEuropean Studiesen_US
thesis.degree.disciplineEvropská studiacs_CZ
thesis.degree.programMezinárodní teritoriální studiacs_CZ
thesis.degree.programInternational Area Studiesen_US
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFakulta sociálních věd::Katedra evropských studiícs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Social Sciences::Department of European Studiesen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFakulta sociálních vědcs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Social Sciencesen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csEvropská studiacs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enEuropean Studiesen_US
uk.degree-program.csMezinárodní teritoriální studiacs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enInternational Area Studiesen_US
uk.abstract.csCHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of International Studies Department of European Studies Master's Thesis 2018 Martin Farkač CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of International Studies Department of European Studies ESA - A Hindrance for Further Supranationalization? Master's thesis Author: Martin Farkač Study programme: International Territorial Studies Supervisor: Mitchell Young, M.A., Ph.D. Year of the defence: 2018 Declaration 1. I hereby declare that I have compiled this thesis using the listed literature and resources only. 2. I hereby declare that my thesis has not been used to gain any other academic title. 3. I fully agree to my work being used for study and scientific purposes. In Prague on 5 January 2018 Martin Farkač References FARKAČ, Martin. ESA - A Hindrance for Further Supranationalization?. Praha, 2018. 97 pages. Master's thesis (Mgr.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of International Studies. Department of European Studies. Supervisor Mitchell Young, M.A, Ph.D. Length of the thesis: 143 247 characters with spaces; 169 374 characters with spaces if notes and text fields are included Abstract The aim of this masters thesis is to assess the relation between two organizations with competences towards the European space policy...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe aim of this masters thesis is to assess the relation between two organizations with competences towards the European space policy that happen to be in dispute over these competences - the European Union (EU) and the European Space Agency (ESA). The main research question asks whether the ESA hinders further supranationalization of the space matters within the EU framework and the research uses the lenses of the theory of the rational design which highlights the importance of the Member States as the decisive actors in this question who have to incline one way or the other. This thesis examines relevant documents issued by the EU and the ESA, as well as at the positions of the Member States of the European Space Agency with regard to this dispute, and concludes that the ESA indeed hinders further supranationalization of the space matters within the EU framework because it goes against the positions and interests of the Member States. The hindrance reaches the level that the only thing the Member States are willing to do is to adjust the financial procedures in respect to the programmes run by ESA and funded by the EU to ensure their efficient implementation complying with EU rules.en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Katedra evropských studiícs_CZ

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