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Characterization of electrophoretic separation systems,utilization of system peaks for determination of surfactant properties and optimalization of complex separation systems by the LFER model
dc.contributor.advisorTesařová, Eva
dc.creatorLokajová, Jana
dc.description.abstractConclusions o We have developď new method for CMC determination that is based on the measurementsof sysrem peaks eigenmobilities in capiiluy "t*o"oo"r*tr. The proposed method is moreprecise and eliminates specific systematic errors .o.*'n* when using some s*ndaťdmethods. The proposed method has U".n opti*i""a "o^ia,sysrcm peaks. ..Ý9 .r4. uE'tl UP.lmzeo considering intensities (amplitudes) of o The implementation of mice description ", ",".o".#'ÍÍ.',11Tffi :: jlTl.Ti#'ff ffiTr,"JT::,l:systems. Simulation prognrms curÍently allow user. to cď"ulate system eigenmobilities andeven to optimize the micellar separation systen. We h;\ *:ffi J:ffi.;: oÍ extended simulation o.o,*,",.u".il.;:T"T1'ffi ' ffill: We have clarified the mobi strength, which "uu,", .pri..ll,l?.jln.fi.r::ř""".J:"# peak due to the BGES ionic additional peak has "oo.a,.o in the electrophe.oror, ,oo**"r' As a consequence an :::::::::'*":u.'*..in.*oo.". identifi cation ", i"*,,.,"'ť"i:TT. *i:ajff:oeen possible using rhe set of different derecrion waveilil:" capirrary zone electrophoresis has been used to revear a structure and charge of nanoparticresin the recentry synthesized bulky porymer micelres ,n-'ltt".*, pH regions and to t3 characterize the effect of the PvP fraction added to PS.PMA on the final structure. ouÍ results have confirmed that...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
dc.subjectseparační mechanismycs_CZ
dc.subjectseparation mechanismsen_US
dc.titlePopis elektroforetických separačních systémů, využití systémových píků k charakterizaci vlastností surfaktantů a optimalizace složitějších systémů pomocí modelu LFERcs_CZ
dc.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistryen_US
dc.description.departmentKatedra fyzikální a makromol. chemiecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Scienceen_US
dc.description.facultyPřírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedCharacterization of electrophoretic separation systems,utilization of system peaks for determination of surfactant properties and optimalization of complex separation systems by the LFER modelen_US
dc.contributor.refereeCoufal, Pavel
dc.contributor.refereeŠevčík, Juraj
thesis.degree.disciplineFyzikální chemiecs_CZ
thesis.degree.programFyzikální chemiecs_CZ
thesis.degree.programPhysical Chemistryen_US
uk.thesis.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csPřírodovědecká fakulta::Katedra fyzikální a makromol. chemiecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Science::Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistryen_US
uk.faculty-name.csPřírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Scienceen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csFyzikální chemiecs_CZ
uk.degree-program.csFyzikální chemiecs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enPhysical Chemistryen_US
uk.abstract.enConclusions o We have developď new method for CMC determination that is based on the measurementsof sysrem peaks eigenmobilities in capiiluy "t*o"oo"r*tr. The proposed method is moreprecise and eliminates specific systematic errors .o.*'n* when using some s*ndaťdmethods. The proposed method has U".n opti*i""a "o^ia,sysrcm peaks. ..Ý9 .r4. uE'tl UP.lmzeo considering intensities (amplitudes) of o The implementation of mice description ", ",".o".#'ÍÍ.',11Tffi :: jlTl.Ti#'ff ffiTr,"JT::,l:systems. Simulation prognrms curÍently allow user. to cď"ulate system eigenmobilities andeven to optimize the micellar separation systen. We h;\ *:ffi J:ffi.;: oÍ extended simulation o.o,*,",.u".il.;:T"T1'ffi ' ffill: We have clarified the mobi strength, which "uu,", .pri..ll,l?.jln.fi.r::ř""".J:"# peak due to the BGES ionic additional peak has "oo.a,.o in the electrophe.oror, ,oo**"r' As a consequence an :::::::::'*":u.'*..in.*oo.". identifi cation ", i"*,,.,"'ť"i:TT. *i:ajff:oeen possible using rhe set of different derecrion waveilil:" capirrary zone electrophoresis has been used to revear a structure and charge of nanoparticresin the recentry synthesized bulky porymer micelres ,n-'ltt".*, pH regions and to t3 characterize the effect of the PvP fraction added to PS.PMA on the final structure. ouÍ results have confirmed that...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Katedra fyzikální a makromol. chemiecs_CZ
dc.contributor.consultantGaš, Bohuslav
uk.embargo.reasonThe document is accessible only in the physical database of theses in accordance with Article 18a (5) of the Code of Study and Examination.en
uk.embargo.reasonDokument je přístupný pouze ve věcné databázi závěrečných prací v souladu s čl. 18a odst. 5 Studijního a zkušebního řádu Univerzity Karlovy v Praze.cs

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