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Teorie a praxe českých dvojjazyčných odborných slovníků
dc.contributor.advisorKlégr, Aleš
dc.creatorTihelková, Alice
dc.description.abstractThe thesis deals with the theory and practice of bilingual specialized lexicography, with special focus on the production of bilingual specialized dictionaries intended for Czech users. The main objective is to propose an original methodology for the compilation of Czech-English and EnglishCzech LSP dictionaries (with possible application to other foreign languages). The methodology aims at the introduction of the latest trends in pedagogical lexicography, as presented in the leading ESL dictionaries, into specialized lexicography. The thesis is complete with an original lexicographic project illustrating the individual points made. The initial part of the thesis discusses of the main aspects and principles of the discipline of specialized lexicography, clarifying the basic concepts and comparing the state of research in the Western countries with the situation in the Czech Republic. This critical overview is followed by an analysis of the character of Czech bilingual specialized dictionaries based on a sample of 25 recently published dictionaries of a wide variety of subject fields. The main features of these dictionaries are established and their overall quality assessed, resulting in the presentation of a typology of their major shortcomings. The analysis is accompanied by the results of a preliminary...en_US
dc.description.abstractTematem predkládane disertacni pnice je teorie a praxe dvojjazycne speciaJni Iexikografie se zvIastnim zamerenim na tvorbu dvojjazycnych odbornych slovniku pro ceske uzivateIe. Hlavnim ciIem prace je vypracovani puvodni metodologie tvorby cesko-anglickych a angIicko-ceskych odbornych slovniku (s moznou aplikaci i na daIsi cizi jazyky), ktera predstavuje preneseni soucasnych poznatku pedagogicke Iexikografie, prezentovanych v prednich angIickych pedagogickych slovnicich, do Iexikografie speciaIni. Prace je doplnena vIastnim Iexikografickym projektem, na kterem jsou jednotlive body metodologie prakticky iIustrovany. Uvodni cast prace, pojednavajici 0 hIavnich aspektech a principech speciaIni Iexikografie, objasnuje zakIadni pojmy z teto disipliny a srovnava stay vyzkumu v zemich Zapadni Evropy se situaci v Ceske repubIice. Po tomto kritickem prehIedu nasIeduje anaIyza charakteru ceskych dvojjazycnych odbornych slovniku, zaIozena na vzorku 25 slovniku ruznych oboru vydanych po race 1989. AnaIyza konstatuje jejich hIavni rysy, hodnoti jejich kvaIitu a predkIada typologii jejich zakladnich nedostatku. Doprovodnou cast analyzy tvol'i zprava 0 predbeznem uzivatelskem vyzkumu odbornych slovniku, provedenem v roce 2004 na Zapadoceske univerzite. Data ziskana anaIyzou jsou v kombinaci s novymi poznatky obecne i...cs_CZ
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleTheory and practice of Czech bilingual specialized dictionariesen_US
dc.typerigorózní prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentÚstav anglistiky a amerikanistikycs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedTeorie a praxe českých dvojjazyčných odborných slovníkůcs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeŠaldová, Pavlína
dc.contributor.refereePeprník, Jaroslav
thesis.degree.levelrigorózní řízenícs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineEnglish and American Studiesen_US
thesis.degree.disciplineAnglistika - amerikanistikacs_CZ
thesis.degree.programEnglish and American Studiesen_US
thesis.degree.programAnglistika - amerikanistikacs_CZ
uk.thesis.typerigorózní prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistikycs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csAnglistika - amerikanistikacs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enEnglish and American Studiesen_US
uk.degree-program.csAnglistika - amerikanistikacs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enEnglish and American Studiesen_US
uk.abstract.csTematem predkládane disertacni pnice je teorie a praxe dvojjazycne speciaJni Iexikografie se zvIastnim zamerenim na tvorbu dvojjazycnych odbornych slovniku pro ceske uzivateIe. Hlavnim ciIem prace je vypracovani puvodni metodologie tvorby cesko-anglickych a angIicko-ceskych odbornych slovniku (s moznou aplikaci i na daIsi cizi jazyky), ktera predstavuje preneseni soucasnych poznatku pedagogicke Iexikografie, prezentovanych v prednich angIickych pedagogickych slovnicich, do Iexikografie speciaIni. Prace je doplnena vIastnim Iexikografickym projektem, na kterem jsou jednotlive body metodologie prakticky iIustrovany. Uvodni cast prace, pojednavajici 0 hIavnich aspektech a principech speciaIni Iexikografie, objasnuje zakIadni pojmy z teto disipliny a srovnava stay vyzkumu v zemich Zapadni Evropy se situaci v Ceske repubIice. Po tomto kritickem prehIedu nasIeduje anaIyza charakteru ceskych dvojjazycnych odbornych slovniku, zaIozena na vzorku 25 slovniku ruznych oboru vydanych po race 1989. AnaIyza konstatuje jejich hIavni rysy, hodnoti jejich kvaIitu a predkIada typologii jejich zakladnich nedostatku. Doprovodnou cast analyzy tvol'i zprava 0 predbeznem uzivatelskem vyzkumu odbornych slovniku, provedenem v roce 2004 na Zapadoceske univerzite. Data ziskana anaIyzou jsou v kombinaci s novymi poznatky obecne i...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe thesis deals with the theory and practice of bilingual specialized lexicography, with special focus on the production of bilingual specialized dictionaries intended for Czech users. The main objective is to propose an original methodology for the compilation of Czech-English and EnglishCzech LSP dictionaries (with possible application to other foreign languages). The methodology aims at the introduction of the latest trends in pedagogical lexicography, as presented in the leading ESL dictionaries, into specialized lexicography. The thesis is complete with an original lexicographic project illustrating the individual points made. The initial part of the thesis discusses of the main aspects and principles of the discipline of specialized lexicography, clarifying the basic concepts and comparing the state of research in the Western countries with the situation in the Czech Republic. This critical overview is followed by an analysis of the character of Czech bilingual specialized dictionaries based on a sample of 25 recently published dictionaries of a wide variety of subject fields. The main features of these dictionaries are established and their overall quality assessed, resulting in the presentation of a typology of their major shortcomings. The analysis is accompanied by the results of a preliminary...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistikycs_CZ

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