CLIL in theory and practice
Obsahově a jazykově integrované učení v teorii a praxi
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 27170
- Kvalifikační práce [23201]
Malá, Markéta
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
English and American Studies - Political Science
Information is unavailable
Date of defense
20. 9. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
Cierom prace bolo priniest poznatky 0 rychlo sa rozvijajucom fenomene v jazykovej vyuke - met6de CUL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). CUL je definovany svojim dvojitylm zameranim na simuItannu vy-uku jazyka a predmetu, cim predstavuje novy- trend jazykovych programov zameranych na ucenie sa cudzieho jazyka v kontexte jeho prirodzeneho pouzitia. NajvacSim prinosom CUL do eur6pskej pr axe vyucovania jazykov je d6raz na sociologicke a pragmaticke aspekty jazykovej komunikacie, ale aj prepojenie ucenia jazyka s celkovy-m rozvojom osobnosti ziaka. CUL bol inspirovany americkym a kanadskym modelom ucenia cudzieho jazyka skrz vyucovanie predmetu pouzivaneho v ramci imerzneho vyucovania. Toto vyucovanie zd6raznuje spontanne ziskavanie cudzieho jazyka v jeho prirodzenom prostredi. Pri imerznom vzdelavani je vyucovanie v skole do verkej miery pod pbrovane tiez faktom, ze cudzi jazyk je zvycajne zaroven dominantnym jazykom spolocnosti, v ktorej sa ziak pohybuje. Aj z tohto d6vodu sa tato met6da vyhyba explicitnemu uceniu jazyka, vert ze ziaka staci usmernovat a obrovsky input cudzieho jazyka prirodzene vyusti v jeho osvojenie. CUL v eur6pskych podmienkach sa nem6ze spoliehat na input jazyka z vonkajsieho prostredia. Privefky input by bol scasti aj nezelany, ked'ze u dett ktore prechadzaju imerznou vy-ukou...
With the natural globalisation processes underway, various forms of bilingual (or multilingual) education have enjoyed growing attention. In Europe, with the strengthening political and cultural integration, the innovations in language education are in focus of not only language professionals but also of political decision-makers. The practical need to enhance the 'plurilingualism' of the EU citizens, an intention formulated in the White Paper on Education and Training from 1995, can be seen as a clear impetus for the increased interest in the foreign language curriculum. The Paper proposed that, gradually, each European citizen should be able to use also two community languages other than his/her mother tongue (known as the "MT+2" plan) (White Paper on Education and Training, 1995). This aspiration also reflects the shift in understanding of knowledge of more than one language as a privilege of the elites (be it economical, intellectual or other elites) to be received at special schools or via special programmes. Instead, this education should extend to include ordinary citizens. However, it could be argued "that contemporary languages education has often failed to provide platforms for learning which suit a broad range of people, young and older" (Marsh, 2003: 3). As a result, the traditional approach to...