Lobbying českých environmentálních neziskových organizací týkající se legislativy EU
Lobbying of Czech environmental NGOs in the EU legislature
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [6713]
Máca, Vojtěch
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Humanities
Social and Cultural Ecology
Department of Civil Society Studies
Date of defense
30. 10. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studiíLanguage
Very good
Hlavním cílem této práce je snaha zjistit, zda se české neziskové organizace zabývají problematikou evropské legislativy a zda se ji snaží ovlivnit skrze lobing. Práce je založena na hypotéze, že neziskový sektor zabývající se ekologickými problémy v České republice je velice silný a schopný. Česká republika navíc vstoupila do Evropské unie, i proto autorka předpokládá, že snahy ovlivnit evropskou legislativu zde existují. Závěr této práce ukazuje, že české neziskévé organizace zabývající se ekologickými problémy lobují třemi způsoby: 1. skrz ministra životního prostředí, 2. skrz Evropský parlament a 3. prostřednictvím evropské sítě neziskových organizací.
The aim of my thesis was to find out, if the Czech NGOs are interested in European legislative and if they try to influence it through lobbying. The hypothesis was that the environmental non-governmental sector is very strong and reactive and because Czech Republic joint the European Union two years ago, Czech environmental NGOs try to influence the EU legislative. The conclusion of my thesis is mentioning the results of the study and they are following. Czech environmental NGOs are lobbying through three ways: Ministry of Environment - they try to influence Minister's point of view and to be present on the meetings where is formed the official Czech point of view European Parliament - they try to influence the opinions of the single Deputies of EP, more the Czech ones, but it is possible to find examples of lobbying Deputies from other member states as well European Networks of NGOs - they always help with informing the Czech NGOs about the stadium of the legislative process and they help with their contacts in Brussels I think that the lobbying tendency of Czech environmental NGOs will increase in near future and that the subjects of lobbying process will cooperate closer and deeper. This thesis can serve as a basic study of this new phenomenon to the nongovernmental sector as well as to administration.