Approximation, numerical realization and qualitative analysis of contact problems with friction
Aproximace, numerická realizace a kvalitativní analýza kontaktních úloh se třením.
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 46918
- Kvalifikační práce [10928]
Janovský, Vladimír
Segeth, Karel
Rohan, Eduard
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Scientific and Technical Calculations
Department of Numerical Mathematics
Date of defense
12. 9. 2011
Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakultaLanguage
Keywords (Czech)
kontaktní úloha, Coulombovo tření, lokálně lipschitzovská větev řešení, po částech hladká kontinuační metoda, metoda přerozdělení hmotnostiKeywords (English)
contact problem, Coulomb friction, local Lipschitz continuous branch of solutions, piecewise smooth continuation method, mass redistribution methodTitle: Approximation, numerical realization and qualitative analysis of contact problems with friction Author: Tomáš Ligurský Department: Department of Numerical Mathematics Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Haslinger, DrSc., Department of Numerical Mathe- matics Abstract: This thesis deals with theoretical analysis and numerical realization of dis- cretized contact problems with Coulomb friction. First, discretized 3D static contact prob- lems with isotropic and orthotropic Coulomb friction and solution-dependent coefficients of friction are analyzed by means of the fixed-point approach. Existence of at least one solution is established for coefficients of friction represented by positive, bounded and con- tinuous functions. If these functions are in addition Lipschitz continuous and upper bounds of their values together with their Lipschitz moduli are sufficiently small, uniqueness of the solution is guaranteed. Second, properties of solutions parametrized by the coefficient of friction or the load vector are studied in the case of discrete 2D static contact problems with isotropic Coulomb friction and coefficient independent of the solution. Conditions under which there exists a local Lipschitz continuous branch of solutions around a given reference point are established due to two variants of the...