Interpretace australské kultury
An interpretation of Australian culture
rigorózní práce (OBHÁJENO)

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SIS: 97285
- Kvalifikační práce [23974]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Soukup, Martin
Fakulta / součást
Filozofická fakulta
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Ústav etnologie
Datum obhajoby
23. 11. 2010
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaJazyk
Austnilie predstavuje zvhiStni pripad relativne nove spolecnosti, kteni vychazi z evropskeho kolonialniho dedictvi, zaroven je na stejnem uzemi konfrontovana s patme nejstarsi domorodou kulturou na svete a zejmena od poloviny dvacateho stoleti i s bezprecedentni mirou imigrace z nlznych casti sveta. Jak v takovych podminkach vybudovat zaklad, ktery by mohly ruzne skupiny zijici na uzemi Australie sdilet a identifikovat se tak s Australii jako politickou a predevsim kultumi entitou? Rigorozni prace mapuje kultumi dejiny Australie od nejstarsiho osidleni pres britskou kolonizaci 0 desitky tisic let pozdeji a demograficke a souvisejici kultumi zmeny v poslednich dvou staletich. Sleduje snahy 0 vytvoreni platformy, na niz by mela spocivat jednotna kultumi a narodni identita vsech obyvatel Australie: od puvodnich vice nebo mene uspesnych pokusu vyporadat se s jinakosti domorodou i asijskou cestou asimilace, pres obrat v sedmdesatych letech 20. stoleti a dodnes trvajici politiku multikulturalismu, kdy jednotlive odlisnosti jsou v duchu opacnych tendenci naopak zduraznovany, podporovany a jejich mnohost je povazovana za nejdulezitejsi charakteristiku soucasne Australie. Nakolik ale behem poslednich ctyficeti let australska verejnost pfijala zasady multikulturalismu, prosazovane vladnoucimi a intelektualnimi...
Australia represents a unique kind of a relatively new society, which arises from British colonial heritage, at the same time is confronted by the presence of Aboriginal culture, arguably the oldest culture to have endured till present day, and has one of the highest rates of immigration in the world. The efforts to establish a common ground in such a diverse environment, that all current inhabitants of Australia could share and thus identify themselves with Australia as a political, but especially cultural entity, raise a number of questions. The thesis follows the cultural history of Australia since the earliest times of first waves of human migration, through British colonization tens of thousands years later, to the cultural, social and demo graphical changes of the last two centuries. It interprets the efforts to create a specific Australian cultural and national identity: from the original, more or less succesful efforts to deal with the differences through assimilationist policies, to the shift in the second half of the 20th century, leading to the current policy of multiculturalism, that has become a defining characteristics of contemporary Australia. The extent, however, to which the policy of multiculturalism has been embraced by the wide public, remains an open issue, and a topic underlying a...