Analýza typologických specifik adaptačních kurzů
Analysis of typologic specifics of adaptation courses
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [23201]
Krykorková, Hana
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
Department of Education
Date of defense
24. 9. 2010
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
Very good
Prace pojednava o vyjezdnch (adaptacnch) soustredžnch. Jedna se o rozsrenou formu rozvoje osobnosti zaku a studentu. V predvyzkumu bylo z"zeno pojmove pole, vytvorena pracovn typologie a definovana krite ria džlen. V teoreticke casti byly nalezeny souvislosti s evropskym pojetm vzdžlavana jeho odrazem v ceskych kurikularnch dokumentech. Vyse zmnžna fakta jsou teoretickym vychodiskem prace, spolecnž s pojednanm o osobnostn a socialn vychovž a vyjezdnch (adaptacnch) kurzech jej tvor i strucne nastnžnprvkuskupinove dynamiky. V predvyzkumu zjistžne promžnne , didakticke kategorie (v souvislosti s tzv. syste movych pojet vychovy), byly rozpracovany v posledn kapitole teoreticke casti. Dale s nimi bylo pracovano v casti empiricke , kde byly pouzity pro tvorbu ovžrovacho nastroje pracovn typologie vyjezdnch (adaptacnch) kurzu.
The dissertation focuses on adaptation courses. They represent specific access to personal development of pupils and students. In the phase of pre-research the field of concepts was narrowed, the working typology was created and the criteria of dividing were defined. In the theoretical part connections between the European vision of education and Czech curriculumforming documents were found and analyzed. Mentioned facts stand for the theoretical base of this diploma, together with elaboration about the personal and social education, adaptation courses and the concept of group dynamics. In the pre-research discovered variables, didactic categories, were elaborated deeply in the final chapter of the theoretical part. Then they were used in the practical, empirical part where they served for formation of the verifying instrument. This instrument will help to verify the working typology of the adaptation courses.