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Jaromír Povejšil as a translator
dc.contributor.advisorVeselá, Gabriela
dc.creatorPodroužková, Helena
dc.description.abstractPfedlozemi diplomova prace se zameruje na osobnost a dilo ceskeho lingvisty, germanisty a prekladatele Jaromira Povejsila s durazem na jeho pusobeni na poli prekladu. Hlavnim diem prace je utfidit, popsat a zhodnotit Povejsilovo prekladatelske dilo. Jaromir Povejsil se venoval prekladum z nemeckeho jazyka, prekladal i z cestiny do nemciny. Jeho tvurci prekladatelske obdobi se datuje od poloviny padesatych let dvacateho stoleti do zacatku noveho tisicileti. Hlavni cast jeho dila tvori preklady umelecke literatury, kterym bude v praci venovana nejvetSi pozornost. V prvni kapitole nejprve zmapujeme dosavadni stay poznani zkoumane problematiky. Klicem k poznani osobnosti a odborneho pusobeni Jaromira Povejsila pak bude sestaveni biografie a bibliografie. Biografie tvofi druhou kapitolu prace, utfidene bibliograficke soupisy jsou zarazeny na jeji konec jako samostatne cislovane pfilohy. Biografie zamerne neuvadi tituly Povejsilovych del. Jejich popisu je venovana treti a ctvrta kapitola. Ve treti kapitole se nejprve zamerime na Povejsilovo pusobeni v oblasti jazykovedy a germanistiky. Predstavime hlavni temata, kterym se venoval, a uvedeme komentovany prehled jeho odbornych praci. Ve ctvrte kapitole podame charakteristiku Povejsilovy prekladatelske tvorby, uvedeme prehled jeho prekladu z krasne a odborne...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThis master's thesis is dedicated to the personality and work of the Czech linguist and translator Jaromir Povejsil, with an emphasis on his translation career. The thesis has a theoretical-empirical character. It contributes to the history of translation and translation criticism. The thesis contains a biography of Jaromir Povejsil, a chronological overview of his original works in the area of linguistics and a complete list of his translations from German language as well as translations from Czech to German. Jaromir Povejsil covered a wide range of topics in his field of study. He concentrated on the development of Prague-German language, contrastive Czech-German grammar, Czech-German bilingualism, the Old Czech language, literary science and literary history. He is the author of more than a hundred papers as well as the author of two monographs Das Prager Deutsch des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts and Mluvnice soucasne nemCiny. He dedicated himself to field of literary translation and the translation of technical books and non-fiction. Altogether, he translated twenty-four books from German to Czech, out of which fourteen were fiction, mainly from authors from the second-half of the twentieth century. He also translated the oldest work of German artistic prose, the Middle Ages poem Der Ackermann aus Bohmen....en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleJaromír Povejšil jako překladatelcs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentInstitute of Translation Studiesen_US
dc.description.departmentÚstav translatologiecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedJaromír Povejšil as a translatoren_US
dc.contributor.refereeKloudová, Věra
thesis.degree.disciplineMA in Translation and Interpreting: German - Sociologyen_US
thesis.degree.disciplinePřekladatelství a tlumočnictví - němčina - Sociologiecs_CZ
thesis.degree.programHumanitní studiacs_CZ
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Ústav translatologiecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Institute of Translation Studiesen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csPřekladatelství a tlumočnictví - němčina - Sociologiecs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enMA in Translation and Interpreting: German - Sociologyen_US
uk.degree-program.csHumanitní studiacs_CZ
uk.abstract.csPfedlozemi diplomova prace se zameruje na osobnost a dilo ceskeho lingvisty, germanisty a prekladatele Jaromira Povejsila s durazem na jeho pusobeni na poli prekladu. Hlavnim diem prace je utfidit, popsat a zhodnotit Povejsilovo prekladatelske dilo. Jaromir Povejsil se venoval prekladum z nemeckeho jazyka, prekladal i z cestiny do nemciny. Jeho tvurci prekladatelske obdobi se datuje od poloviny padesatych let dvacateho stoleti do zacatku noveho tisicileti. Hlavni cast jeho dila tvori preklady umelecke literatury, kterym bude v praci venovana nejvetSi pozornost. V prvni kapitole nejprve zmapujeme dosavadni stay poznani zkoumane problematiky. Klicem k poznani osobnosti a odborneho pusobeni Jaromira Povejsila pak bude sestaveni biografie a bibliografie. Biografie tvofi druhou kapitolu prace, utfidene bibliograficke soupisy jsou zarazeny na jeji konec jako samostatne cislovane pfilohy. Biografie zamerne neuvadi tituly Povejsilovych del. Jejich popisu je venovana treti a ctvrta kapitola. Ve treti kapitole se nejprve zamerime na Povejsilovo pusobeni v oblasti jazykovedy a germanistiky. Predstavime hlavni temata, kterym se venoval, a uvedeme komentovany prehled jeho odbornych praci. Ve ctvrte kapitole podame charakteristiku Povejsilovy prekladatelske tvorby, uvedeme prehled jeho prekladu z krasne a odborne...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThis master's thesis is dedicated to the personality and work of the Czech linguist and translator Jaromir Povejsil, with an emphasis on his translation career. The thesis has a theoretical-empirical character. It contributes to the history of translation and translation criticism. The thesis contains a biography of Jaromir Povejsil, a chronological overview of his original works in the area of linguistics and a complete list of his translations from German language as well as translations from Czech to German. Jaromir Povejsil covered a wide range of topics in his field of study. He concentrated on the development of Prague-German language, contrastive Czech-German grammar, Czech-German bilingualism, the Old Czech language, literary science and literary history. He is the author of more than a hundred papers as well as the author of two monographs Das Prager Deutsch des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts and Mluvnice soucasne nemCiny. He dedicated himself to field of literary translation and the translation of technical books and non-fiction. Altogether, he translated twenty-four books from German to Czech, out of which fourteen were fiction, mainly from authors from the second-half of the twentieth century. He also translated the oldest work of German artistic prose, the Middle Ages poem Der Ackermann aus Bohmen....en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav translatologiecs_CZ

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