Onomatopoie a mimetika v korejštině
Korean onomatopoeia and mimesis
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [23729]
Pucek, Vladimír
Horák, Tomáš
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
Languages of Asia and Africa
Institute of East Asian Studies
Date of defense
30. 9. 2010
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
V teto praci jsou analyzovana korejska onomatopoie a mimetika, pro nez je uzfvan zastresujfcf termfn slova zobrazujfcf. Po definici onomatopoif a mimetik jsou posouzeny hlavnf argumenty jejich rozdflne klasifikace jako slovnfho druhu. Jsou zde tfi hlavnf moznosti, a to zarazenf do pffslovcf, citoslovcf ci vytvorenf samostatneho slovnfho druhu. Zakladnf rysy, jez vymezujf slova zobrazujfcf v korejstine, jsou hlaskova symbolicnost, reduplikace, specificka slovotvorba a typicke syntakticke vlastnosti spolu s omezenou kompatibilitou. Pokud slovo sphluje alespon dye z techto podmfnek, je klasifikovano jako slovo zobrazujfcf. Dale je zkoumana otazka pocetnosti onomatopoif a mimetik v korejstine a cestine. Korejstina patff k jazykum s velmi rozvinutymi slovy zobrazujfcfmi, coz potvrdila i excerpce velkeho korejskeho slovnfku. Jednou z pffCin jejich vysokeho poctu je prokazatelne vetsf a systemovejsf variabilita. Formalnf stranka korejskych onomatopoif a mimetik je prezentovana podle jednotlirych rysu, kterymi se vymezujf. Hlaskova symbolicnost je zkoumana u vokalu i konsonantu, jejf projevy jsou dolozeny pffklady. Reduplikace jsou podrobneji klasifikovany na reduplikace uplne a castecne. Slovotvorba zahrnuje moznosti odvozovanf onomatopoif a mimetik i odvozovanf sloves a v mensf mfre take pffslovcf a jmen....
In this thesis the onomatopoeias and mimeses in Korean are analyzed. The question of a classification of onomatopoeia and mimeses as some part of speech is discussed after the definition of onomatopoeias and mimeses. In Korean, onomatopoeia and mimeses are mostly considered as adverbs, while in Czech as interjections. The last approach is to create a new part of speech of onomatopoeias and mimeses only. There are four specific conditions of Korean onomatopoeias and mimeses, which is a sound symbolism, reduplications, a specific word formation and typical syntactical functions and a limited compatibility. At least two of the conditions should meet to classify a word to be onomatopoeia or mimesis in Korean. Afterwards the question of quantity of onomatopoeia and mimeses in Korean is presented on an excerption from Korean and Czech dictionary. It was observed, that the quantity of Korean onomatopoeia and mimeses is based expecially on its variability. The main formal features of Korean onomatopoeias and mimeses are presented with several examples. The sound symbolism of vowels and consonants, the various kinds of reduplication, the word forming processes and the syntactical functions are discussed respectively. In the other part the question of distribution of onomatopoeias and mimeses in Korean compare to...