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Kypr v novém bezpečnostním prostředí
dc.contributor.advisorŠlosarčík, Ivo
dc.creatorMatúš, Rudolf
dc.description.abstractDiploma thesis "Cyprus in a New Security Environment" deals with security perception in The Republic of Cyprus in the aftermath of the Cold War. It brings a closer look at the new security patterns that developed after the fall of the Iron curtain and introduces the typology of states in international relations, security sectors and the threats associated as well as referent objects of security in the post-Cold War setting. Cyprus, its history, current political and economic situation provides the basis of the study for categorization of Cyprus on the basis of Srensen's typology and Copenhagen school's view of security studies. Thesis classifies Cyprus as a specific example of country with outward features and security dilemma of the postmodern state. However it is rather difficult to categorize it in Srensen's typology of states because of unresolved dispute and its impact on Cyprus' security environment. Copenhagen school provides a framework for examination of Cyprus security environment in accordance with five security sectors (military, political, societal, economic, environmental) and the thesis finds the conclusion that island is threatened in each security sector portrayed. The Republic of Cyprus falls within each of these sectors mainly because of the unresolved dispute between the community of...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractDiploma thesis "Cyprus in a New Security Environment" deals with security perception in The Republic of Cyprus in the aftermath of the Cold War. It brings a closer look at the new security patterns that developed after the fall of the Iron curtain and introduces the typology of states in international relations, security sectors and the threats associated as well as referent objects of security in the post-Cold War setting. Cyprus, its history, current political and economic situation provides the basis of the study for categorization of Cyprus on the basis of Srensen's typology and Copenhagen school's view of security studies. Thesis classifies Cyprus as a specific example of country with outward features and security dilemma of the postmodern state. However it is rather difficult to categorize it in Srensen's typology of states because of unresolved dispute and its impact on Cyprus' security environment. Copenhagen school provides a framework for examination of Cyprus security environment in accordance with five security sectors (military, political, societal, economic, environmental) and the thesis finds the conclusion that island is threatened in each security sector portrayed. The Republic of Cyprus falls within each of these sectors mainly because of the unresolved dispute between the community of...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních vědcs_CZ
dc.titleCyprus in a new security environmenten_US
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentKatedra evropských studiícs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of European Studiesen_US
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Social Sciencesen_US
dc.description.facultyFakulta sociálních vědcs_CZ
dc.title.translatedKypr v novém bezpečnostním prostředícs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeKasáková, Zuzana
thesis.degree.levelnavazující magisterskécs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineWest European Studiesen_US
thesis.degree.disciplineZápadoevropská studiacs_CZ
thesis.degree.programInternational Area Studiesen_US
thesis.degree.programMezinárodní teritoriální studiacs_CZ
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFakulta sociálních věd::Katedra evropských studiícs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Social Sciences::Department of European Studiesen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFakulta sociálních vědcs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Social Sciencesen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csZápadoevropská studiacs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enWest European Studiesen_US
uk.degree-program.csMezinárodní teritoriální studiacs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enInternational Area Studiesen_US
uk.abstract.csDiploma thesis "Cyprus in a New Security Environment" deals with security perception in The Republic of Cyprus in the aftermath of the Cold War. It brings a closer look at the new security patterns that developed after the fall of the Iron curtain and introduces the typology of states in international relations, security sectors and the threats associated as well as referent objects of security in the post-Cold War setting. Cyprus, its history, current political and economic situation provides the basis of the study for categorization of Cyprus on the basis of Srensen's typology and Copenhagen school's view of security studies. Thesis classifies Cyprus as a specific example of country with outward features and security dilemma of the postmodern state. However it is rather difficult to categorize it in Srensen's typology of states because of unresolved dispute and its impact on Cyprus' security environment. Copenhagen school provides a framework for examination of Cyprus security environment in accordance with five security sectors (military, political, societal, economic, environmental) and the thesis finds the conclusion that island is threatened in each security sector portrayed. The Republic of Cyprus falls within each of these sectors mainly because of the unresolved dispute between the community of...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enDiploma thesis "Cyprus in a New Security Environment" deals with security perception in The Republic of Cyprus in the aftermath of the Cold War. It brings a closer look at the new security patterns that developed after the fall of the Iron curtain and introduces the typology of states in international relations, security sectors and the threats associated as well as referent objects of security in the post-Cold War setting. Cyprus, its history, current political and economic situation provides the basis of the study for categorization of Cyprus on the basis of Srensen's typology and Copenhagen school's view of security studies. Thesis classifies Cyprus as a specific example of country with outward features and security dilemma of the postmodern state. However it is rather difficult to categorize it in Srensen's typology of states because of unresolved dispute and its impact on Cyprus' security environment. Copenhagen school provides a framework for examination of Cyprus security environment in accordance with five security sectors (military, political, societal, economic, environmental) and the thesis finds the conclusion that island is threatened in each security sector portrayed. The Republic of Cyprus falls within each of these sectors mainly because of the unresolved dispute between the community of...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Katedra evropských studiícs_CZ

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