Formy a mechanizmy marginalizace rómské menšiny na východním Slovensku
Forms and mechanisms of Romas community marginalisation in the Estearn Slovakia
dizertační práce (OBHÁJENO)

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SIS: 24479
- Kvalifikační práce [23778]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Skupnik, Jaroslav
Uherek, Zdeněk
Fakulta / součást
Filozofická fakulta
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Ústav etnologie
Datum obhajoby
17. 6. 2009
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaJazyk
Vo svojej praci sa orientujem na sposoby a mechanizmy marginalizacie R6mov, a to hlavne vo sfere bYvania. Teritorialne praca vychadza z udajov v ramci Presovskeho kraja Siovenskej republiky. Tato praca sleduje problematiku v troch rovinach. Prvou rovinou je rovina vseobecna, v ramci ktorej prezentujem situaciu R6mov v Presovskom kraji z teritorialneho hl'adiska. Poukazujem na teritorialne a priestorove rozmiestnenie r6mskych komunit v kraji. Prioritnym zaujmom je sledovanie miery a variability marginalizacie, t. z. kde sa r6mske komunity v kraji nachadzaju a ci ide 0 komunity integrovane, separovane alebo segregovane. Druhou rovinou, je sledovanie snah 0 integraciu r6mskej komunity do majoritnej spolocnosti formou analyzy styroch celostatnych programov, a poukazujem na mieru ich (ne)uspesnosti. Tret'ou rovinou, je vybranych foriem a mechanizmov, ktorYmi majoritna marginalizuje R6mov v oblasti bYvania. Toto sledujem vo lokalitach okresu Presov formou pripadovych studii. prezentacia spolocnost' vybranych Prva cast' prace je napisana na zaklade udajov, ziskanych pocas realizacie prehl'adu r6mskych komunit presovskeho kraja, ktorY sa nasledne dopinal a aktualizoval v ramci Sociografickeho mapovania r6mskych komunit na Siovensku v roku 2004-5. Udaje pre d'alsie casti prace som ziskal na zaklade dlhodobych...
In my work I focus on the ways and mechanisms of marginalisation of Romas, especially from the viewpoint of habitation. From the territorial viewpoint, the work is based on data from the Presov Region in the Slovak Republic. This work monitors the issue at three levels. The first level is a general level, where I present the conditions of Romas in the Presov Region from the territorial viewpoint. I point out at territorial and spatial distribution of Roma communities in the region. The prior goal is to monitor the extent and variabilites of the marginalisation, i.e. where are Roma communities located in the region and whether they are integrated, separated or segregated communities. The second level is monitoring efforts for integration of the Roma community to the majority society, in the form of analyses of four national programmes where I indicated their levels of success/failure. The third level is a presentation of selected forms and mechanisms applied by the majority society to marginalise Romas in the field of habitation. I have performed monitoring of this aspect in selected locations of the Presov District, in the form of case studies. The first part of the work has been compiled on the basis of data obtained during performance of the overview of Roma communities in the Presov Region, which was...