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Analysis of the youth football preparation training process
dc.contributor.advisorBuzek, Mario
dc.creatorDreiseitl, Jiří
dc.description.abstractAnalyza pfipravy mladych fotbalistu Cil prace: Podrobnou obsahovou analyzou treninkoveho deniku, zjistit rozdily v pfiprave mladych fotbalistu v roce 2007 v klubu SK Slavia Praha a v roce 1988 hracu zafazenych do sportovnich fotbalovych tfid. Pomoci obsahove analyzy zjistit i jine treninkove ukazatele. Dalsim cilem je porovnat pfipravu mladych fotbalistu v CR a v nemeckych zemich. Metoda: Pomoci obsahove analyzy rocniho treninkoveho deniku, u kategorie U-7 v klubu SK Slavia Praha, porovnat a zhodnotit zadouci ci nezadouci zafazeni jednotlivych cviceni. Rozclenenim treninkoveho deniku na casti a pote az na konkretni cviceni, jsme dostali dulezite informace o skladbe, cetnosti cviceni a jejich zamefeni. Tyto vysledky jsme porovnali s programem sportovni pfipravy zaku zafazenych do sportovnich tfid vydanym v roce 1988Ceskym Ustfednim Vyborem CSTV. Vysledky: Zkoumanim dokumentu - treninkovy denik - a naslednym porovnanim obsahu s programem sportovni pfipravy zaku z roku 1988 jsme dosli k vyraznym zmenam a odlisnostem v pfiprave mladych fotbalistu. Tuto zmenu si vysvetlujeme hlavne diky stale vetsim narokum na jednotlive hrace ve vrcholovem fotbalu. Klicova slova: fotbal, trenink, pfiprava mladeze, treninkovy denikcs_CZ
dc.description.abstractAnalysis of the Youth Football preparation training process Goals: The goal is to find using a detailed analysis of the training diary differences in youth football preparation process of players in SK Slavia Praha in 2007 and players registered in special football classes in 1998.In addition we focused via the content analysis on finding other training indicators. Further goal is to compare youth football preparation process in the Czech Republic with German speaking countries. Methods: We used the content analysis of the annual training diary of U-7 players at SK Slavia Praha to help comparison and evaluation of desirable or undesirable exercises insertion. By dividing the training diary into sections and further into particular exercises we have found important information about the structure, frequency and direction of exercises. The final results we have compared with the sport preparation training program issued by the Czech Central Committee of the CSTV for youth registered in special football classes in1998. Findings: Based on the documentation analysis of training diary and followed by content comparison of the youth sport preparation programme from 1998 we have concluded significant differences in youth football preparation process. We presume that the significant modification is driven...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
dc.titleAnalýza přípravy mladých fotbalistůcs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentSportovní hrycs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Physical Education and Sporten_US
dc.description.facultyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
dc.title.translatedAnalysis of the youth football preparation training processen_US
dc.contributor.refereeKřiček, Jan
thesis.degree.disciplineTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplinePhysical Education and Sporten_US
thesis.degree.programTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
thesis.degree.programPhysical Education and Sporten_US
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu::Sportovní hrycs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.csFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Physical Education and Sporten_US
uk.degree-discipline.csTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enPhysical Education and Sporten_US
uk.degree-program.csTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enPhysical Education and Sporten_US
thesis.grade.csVelmi dobřecs_CZ
thesis.grade.enVery gooden_US
uk.abstract.csAnalyza pfipravy mladych fotbalistu Cil prace: Podrobnou obsahovou analyzou treninkoveho deniku, zjistit rozdily v pfiprave mladych fotbalistu v roce 2007 v klubu SK Slavia Praha a v roce 1988 hracu zafazenych do sportovnich fotbalovych tfid. Pomoci obsahove analyzy zjistit i jine treninkove ukazatele. Dalsim cilem je porovnat pfipravu mladych fotbalistu v CR a v nemeckych zemich. Metoda: Pomoci obsahove analyzy rocniho treninkoveho deniku, u kategorie U-7 v klubu SK Slavia Praha, porovnat a zhodnotit zadouci ci nezadouci zafazeni jednotlivych cviceni. Rozclenenim treninkoveho deniku na casti a pote az na konkretni cviceni, jsme dostali dulezite informace o skladbe, cetnosti cviceni a jejich zamefeni. Tyto vysledky jsme porovnali s programem sportovni pfipravy zaku zafazenych do sportovnich tfid vydanym v roce 1988Ceskym Ustfednim Vyborem CSTV. Vysledky: Zkoumanim dokumentu - treninkovy denik - a naslednym porovnanim obsahu s programem sportovni pfipravy zaku z roku 1988 jsme dosli k vyraznym zmenam a odlisnostem v pfiprave mladych fotbalistu. Tuto zmenu si vysvetlujeme hlavne diky stale vetsim narokum na jednotlive hrace ve vrcholovem fotbalu. Klicova slova: fotbal, trenink, pfiprava mladeze, treninkovy denikcs_CZ
uk.abstract.enAnalysis of the Youth Football preparation training process Goals: The goal is to find using a detailed analysis of the training diary differences in youth football preparation process of players in SK Slavia Praha in 2007 and players registered in special football classes in 1998.In addition we focused via the content analysis on finding other training indicators. Further goal is to compare youth football preparation process in the Czech Republic with German speaking countries. Methods: We used the content analysis of the annual training diary of U-7 players at SK Slavia Praha to help comparison and evaluation of desirable or undesirable exercises insertion. By dividing the training diary into sections and further into particular exercises we have found important information about the structure, frequency and direction of exercises. The final results we have compared with the sport preparation training program issued by the Czech Central Committee of the CSTV for youth registered in special football classes in1998. Findings: Based on the documentation analysis of training diary and followed by content comparison of the youth sport preparation programme from 1998 we have concluded significant differences in youth football preparation process. We presume that the significant modification is driven...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Sportovní hrycs_CZ

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