Functional polymorphism in genes for the components of the Toll signalling pathway of the natural immunity system in Bos taurus
Funkční polymorfismus genů pro složky Toll signální dráhy systému přirozené imunity u Bos taurus
dizertační práce (OBHÁJENO)

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SIS: 218636
- Kvalifikační práce [20304]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Čítek, Jindřich
Elleder, Daniel
Fakulta / součást
Přírodovědecká fakulta
Molekulární a buněčná biologie, genetika a virologie
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Katedra genetiky a mikrobiologie
Datum obhajoby
16. 9. 2024
Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakultaJazyk
Klíčová slova (česky)
Toll-like receptory, skot, ovce, přirozená imunita, mastitida, paratuberkulóza, trypanozomiázaKlíčová slova (anglicky)
Toll-like receptors, cattle, sheep, innate immunity, mastitis, paratuberculosis, trypanosomiasisThe general aim of the work was to document the variation in the genes of the Toll signalling pathway in the innate immune system of cattle. This included the analysis of the potential of this variability in breeding for health traits. The population of Czech Red Pied (Czech Simmental, CRP) cattle has been chosen for this task as a model population. The genomic diversity of this breed has been characterised with whole-genome sequencing in a representative sample of bulls. The HiSeq technology was used at this step. Subsequently, the diversity in the set of genes of interest has been validated by hybrid sequencing with a different technology PacBio. The set of genes of interest included the genes for antibacterial Toll-like receptors, namely TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5 and TLR6. The receptor genes were completed with genes for two key members of the Toll signalling pathway, MYD88, NFKP1 and NFKB2. Occurence of unique forms with predicted effects was noted in the TLR genes, MYD88 and NFKB1. Upon in silico characterization of a functional impact of the found variants, genotyping methods for the determination of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in individual animals have been developed. The possibility of individual genotyping allowed to obtain population characteristics and performing association...
The general aim of the work was to document the variation in the genes of the Toll signalling pathway in the innate immune system of cattle. This included the analysis of the potential of this variability in breeding for health traits. The population of Czech Red Pied (Czech Simmental, CRP) cattle has been chosen for this task as a model population. The genomic diversity of this breed has been characterised with whole-genome sequencing in a representative sample of bulls. The HiSeq technology was used at this step. Subsequently, the diversity in the set of genes of interest has been validated by hybrid sequencing with a different technology PacBio. The set of genes of interest included the genes for antibacterial Toll-like receptors, namely TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5 and TLR6. The receptor genes were completed with genes for two key members of the Toll signalling pathway, MYD88, NFKP1 and NFKB2. Occurence of unique forms with predicted effects was noted in the TLR genes, MYD88 and NFKB1. Upon in silico characterization of a functional impact of the found variants, genotyping methods for the determination of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in individual animals have been developed. The possibility of individual genotyping allowed to obtain population characteristics and performing association...