The position of nuclear power within European energy security following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Postavení jaderné energie v rámci evropské energetické bezpečnosti po ruské invazi na Ukrajinu v roce 2022
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [17632]
Butler, Eamonn
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Social Sciences
International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS)
Department of Security Studies
Date of defense
14. 9. 2022
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních vědLanguage
Very good
This paper examines the contemporary position of nuclear energy within the wider European energy security framework in the shadow of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. This unprecedented event has thrown the international relations status quo off balance. The paper discusses the role that nuclear power carries out and whether there is potential for it to grow into a more commonly used source of energy generation. Supposed benefits from its utilisation are a strengthening of energy security across the EU, lower carbon emissions and reduced dependency from Russian imports. Further to this, the reasonings behind its feared image will be looked into while analysing proposed methods to soften its perception as we reach a turning point in deciding how best Europe can protect and maintain a secure and sustainable way of life. Incorporating collated groups of data and information from discourse and other forms of textual analysis, it is found that we are now witnessing a surge of interest in nuclear power. What was so recently seen as a fading industry of the past by some, appears to be on the rise due to successful results in countries that have prioritised the energy source, by those planning to build and extend the lifetimes of existing reactors and the work being done by individuals creating next...