"Stay Safe/Stay United/Stay In Touch" Community, belonging, and participation in Prague's electronic dance music scene during the COVID-19 pandemic
"Stay Safe/Stay United/Stay In Touch" Community, belonging, and participation in Prague's electronic dance music scene during the COVID-19 pandemic
diplomová práce (NEOBHÁJENO)

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SIS: 228256
- Kvalifikační práce [6789]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Minářová, Markéta
Fakulta / součást
Fakulta humanitních studií
Historical Sociology
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Program Historická sociologie
Datum obhajoby
13. 9. 2021
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studiíJazyk
With the social distancing measures related to COVID-19, the party life in the Czech Republic went through gradual changes. Offline parties were no longer possible within the governmental framework. Practices that previously were self-evident became impossible to maintain. Attendees were pushed to rely on the online possibilities of scene participation or invent novel modes to stay connected. Through an analysis of both online and offline participation, this paper examines how their sense of community and belonging to the electronic dance music (EDM) scene changed during the pandemic. The data was collected via multiple methods. The core of the research is semi-structured interviews, fieldnotes, and netnography. Moreover, data from an online questionnaire was used to triangulate and thicken the findings. While outlining their practices and values that construct, or re-enforce belonging and feeling of community, I provided a critical reading of Olaveson's (2004) theory of "connectedness as collective effervescence/communitas" to see whether it can be a workable frame to analyse the party attendees' scene-related experiences in the extreme conditions of a pandemic. My research revealed that participants simultaneously utilized and relied on the possibilities of both the online and the offline places....