Komorní divadlo 1950-1976
The Chamber theatre 1950-1976
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)

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- Kvalifikační práce [23790]
Miholová, Kateřina
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
Theatre Studies
Departement of Theatre Studies
Date of defense
18. 9. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
Very good
Komorni divadlo v Hybernske ulici v Praze bylo uzavreno pred triceti a jednim rokem. Za tu dobu uz vyprchalo z obecneho povedomi, mnohym lidem jeho jmeno nic nerika. Presto ze vzpominek tech, kdo jeho eru pamatuji, nezmizelo. Oivadelnici i divaci stale mluvi 0 jeho nejslavnejsich inscenacich - Obchodniku s destem, Hre 0 lasce a smrti, Fyzidch, Ctrnactem hrabeti Gurneym. Tyto inscenace Komorniho divadla jsou v historii naseho divadelnictvi natolik zasadni, ze zcela prevazily prumerny repertoar MOP i jejich (zejmena v pocatecnich sez6nach cetne) ulitby rezimu. "Ornestinum", divadelni oaza v centru Prahy, bylo dilem Oty Ornesta - rozpororuplneho muze, kterY v roce 1949 naridil divadlum povinna pravidla dramaturgie a vzapeti se ve svych divadlech snazil tomuto diktatu vyhnout. Rovnez z duvodu liberalnejsiho repertoaru herci mnohdy vzpominaji na Komorni divadlo (a cela tehdejsi MOP) jako na sva nejlepsi leta u divadla. "Jako herec jsem vnejsf flak, ktet)t byl na Mestska divadla prazska vyvijen, . nepQcifova/. Jakoclen souboru mozna ano, ale na me heret;;ke praci se onen flak nijak neprojevoval. 0 nektet)tch sankcfch jsme se dozvfdali jen na schuzfch souboru. " 353 Sohuzel dodnes neexistuje odborna divadelni literatura, ktera by nezanedbatelnou cinnost Komornfho divadla pripominala tem generacim divadelniku,...
This MA thesis is dedicated to the most important period of work of the Chamber Theater in currently non-existing space in the great hall of the Central Hotel in Hybernska Street, Prague. It was the home of the Cabaret Cervena sedma, and in the twenties of the Orion Movie Theater. Since 1930 the Chamber Theater belonged to the Vinohrady Theater, and in 1950 it became one of the stages of the City Theaters of Prague. During the ,,vinohrady era" the Chamber Theater was intended for generally "lighter" repertory but from half of 1950's until its elimination in 1976 it became an exceptional occurrence in the context of contemporary professional theaters. It managed to effectively fight against political imperatives; it produced such shows as Bulgakov's Escape, Durrenmatt's Physicists, Play Strindberg and Romulus the Great, Sartre's Flies, Kllma'a Jury, Barnes's The Rulling Class even Shakespeare's Richard II. This theater was the birth place of one of the . most famous productions by the director Alfred Radok, Rolland's ·Game of Love and Death. Apart from Radok many other regime-unpopular directors have worked there as well - for example: Karel Dostal and Miroslav Machacek. The repertory of the Chamber Theater can be considered as an example of a precious dramaturgic policy which was balancing on the edge of...