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Geografická parthenogeneze: evoluční a ekologický význam apomiktického rozmnožování u cévnatých rostlin
dc.contributor.advisorMráz, Patrik
dc.creatorHartmann, Matthias
dc.description.abstractIt has been suggested that polyploidization affects the ecological niche of a species, possibly ultimately leading to a shift in the distribution of the species, such as in geographical parthenogenesis. The phenomenon describes the wider distribution and shift of asexuals towards higher altitudes, northern latitudes and more extreme habitats when compared with their closely related sexual relatives. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain such patterns with lacking empirical evidence because investigations rather focused on single hypotheses, which were rather tested several times independently on multiple organisms than vice versa. Therefore, the present study aimed to tackle the phenomenon of geographical parthenogenesis from multiple angles, i.e. testing several hypotheses simultaneously using Hieracium alpinum as a model system. In the arcto-alpine Asteraceae H. alpinum sexually reproducing diploid individuals occur in a small isolated area in the Eastern and Southern Carpathians, while apomictically reproducing, i.e. asexual reproduction via seeds, triploid plants occupy the remaining and much larger part of the range from the Balkans to the arctic parts of Europe. This implies that asexual triploids have had some fitness / colonization advantage(s), leading to a replacement of sexual diploids...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractIt has been suggested that polyploidization affects the ecological niche of a species, possibly ultimately leading to a shift in the distribution of the species, such as in geographical parthenogenesis. The phenomenon describes the wider distribution and shift of asexuals towards higher altitudes, northern latitudes and more extreme habitats when compared with their closely related sexual relatives. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain such patterns with lacking empirical evidence because investigations rather focused on single hypotheses, which were rather tested several times independently on multiple organisms than vice versa. Therefore, the present study aimed to tackle the phenomenon of geographical parthenogenesis from multiple angles, i.e. testing several hypotheses simultaneously using Hieracium alpinum as a model system. In the arcto-alpine Asteraceae H. alpinum sexually reproducing diploid individuals occur in a small isolated area in the Eastern and Southern Carpathians, while apomictically reproducing, i.e. asexual reproduction via seeds, triploid plants occupy the remaining and much larger part of the range from the Balkans to the arctic parts of Europe. This implies that asexual triploids have had some fitness / colonization advantage(s), leading to a replacement of sexual diploids...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
dc.subjectasexual reproductionen_US
dc.subjectBaker ruleen_US
dc.subjectdistributional successen_US
dc.subjectvascular plantsen_US
dc.titleGeographical parthenogenesis: evolutionary and ecological significance of apomictic reproduction in vascular plantsen_US
dc.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentKatedra botanikycs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Botanyen_US
dc.description.facultyPřírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Scienceen_US
dc.title.translatedGeografická parthenogeneze: evoluční a ekologický význam apomiktického rozmnožování u cévnatých rostlincs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeDobeš, Christoph
dc.contributor.refereeKrahulec, František
uk.thesis.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csPřírodovědecká fakulta::Katedra botanikycs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Science::Department of Botanyen_US
uk.faculty-name.csPřírodovědecká fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Scienceen_US
uk.abstract.csIt has been suggested that polyploidization affects the ecological niche of a species, possibly ultimately leading to a shift in the distribution of the species, such as in geographical parthenogenesis. The phenomenon describes the wider distribution and shift of asexuals towards higher altitudes, northern latitudes and more extreme habitats when compared with their closely related sexual relatives. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain such patterns with lacking empirical evidence because investigations rather focused on single hypotheses, which were rather tested several times independently on multiple organisms than vice versa. Therefore, the present study aimed to tackle the phenomenon of geographical parthenogenesis from multiple angles, i.e. testing several hypotheses simultaneously using Hieracium alpinum as a model system. In the arcto-alpine Asteraceae H. alpinum sexually reproducing diploid individuals occur in a small isolated area in the Eastern and Southern Carpathians, while apomictically reproducing, i.e. asexual reproduction via seeds, triploid plants occupy the remaining and much larger part of the range from the Balkans to the arctic parts of Europe. This implies that asexual triploids have had some fitness / colonization advantage(s), leading to a replacement of sexual diploids...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enIt has been suggested that polyploidization affects the ecological niche of a species, possibly ultimately leading to a shift in the distribution of the species, such as in geographical parthenogenesis. The phenomenon describes the wider distribution and shift of asexuals towards higher altitudes, northern latitudes and more extreme habitats when compared with their closely related sexual relatives. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain such patterns with lacking empirical evidence because investigations rather focused on single hypotheses, which were rather tested several times independently on multiple organisms than vice versa. Therefore, the present study aimed to tackle the phenomenon of geographical parthenogenesis from multiple angles, i.e. testing several hypotheses simultaneously using Hieracium alpinum as a model system. In the arcto-alpine Asteraceae H. alpinum sexually reproducing diploid individuals occur in a small isolated area in the Eastern and Southern Carpathians, while apomictically reproducing, i.e. asexual reproduction via seeds, triploid plants occupy the remaining and much larger part of the range from the Balkans to the arctic parts of Europe. This implies that asexual triploids have had some fitness / colonization advantage(s), leading to a replacement of sexual diploids...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Katedra botanikycs_CZ

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