Nástroj na tvaroslovnou analýzu staré angličtiny
Morphological Analyser of Old English
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- Číslo 1 [16]
Datum vydání
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaPraha
Zdrojový dokument
Časopis pro moderní filologii (Journal for Modern Philology) (web)ISSN: 2336-6591
Rok vydání periodika: 2017
Ročník periodika: 2017
Číslo periodika: 1
Odkaz na licenční podmínky
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/Klíčová slova (česky)
stará angličtina, historická lingvistika, komputační lingvistika, automatická morfologická analýza, morfologie, generátor tvarůKlíčová slova (anglicky)
Old English, historical linguistics, computational linguistics, automatic morphological analysis, morphology, forms generatorThe paper describes the construction and testing of an electronic application for semi-automatic morphological analysis of Old English. It introduces the state of the art in the field of electronic analysis of Old English, provides a brief overview of Old English morphology and discusses the reasoning behind our theoretical framework. An account of the chosen methodology is offered and a specific description of its implementation is provided: from the acquisition and preparation of the lexical input data, through the programming of the forms generator to the testing of the results by analysing Old English text. The resulting recall of 95% is a success; however, the paper also hints at how it may be improved. It also discusses further use and development of the analyser, especially the disambiguation of its results. The paper makes a future semi-automatic morphological tagging of Old English texts a real possibility.