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Patofyziologie primární vrozené a časné postnatální neautoimunitní hypotyreózy
dc.contributor.advisorLebl, Jan
dc.creatorAl Taji, Eva
dc.description.abstractBackground: Thyroid dysgenesis (TD) and thyroid dyshormonogenesis clinically manifest as permanent primary congenital hypothyroidism (CH) and only rarely as non-congenital, postnatal non-autoimmune hypothyroidism. As basic molecular events underlying the regulation of thyroid development, growth and function were clarified in the last decade, molecular pathogenesis of TD and dyshormonogenesis has been intensively studied. Candidate genes for TD and dyshormonogenesis had been described and their mutations were subsequently detected in several patients with non-syndromic and syndromic CH. Nevertheless, no systematic population-based phenotype-focused molecular genetic analysis had been performed and concerning TD, the data regarded only a few individual patients. Aim: The aim of this extensive study was to identify monogenic forms of TD and dyshormonogenesis in a population-based cohort of Czech patients mostly with CH. Systematic mutation screening was based on a detailed clinical information and phenotype description, and thus focused on clinically defined subgroups of patients matching the phenotypes of already known candidate gene mutations.en_US
dc.description.abstractCílem této rozsáhlé studie bylo zjistit monogenní formy dysgenezi a dyshormonogenezi štítné žlázy v populační kohortě českých pacientů převážně s kongenitální hypoterózou.cs_CZ
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, 3. lékařská fakultacs_CZ
dc.titlePathophysiology of primary congenital and early-onset non-autoimmune hypothyroidismen_US
dc.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDeparment of Children and Adolescentsen_US
dc.description.departmentKlinika dětí a dorostucs_CZ
dc.description.faculty3. lékařská fakultacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyThird Faculty of Medicineen_US
dc.title.translatedPatofyziologie primární vrozené a časné postnatální neautoimunitní hypotyreózycs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeDvořáková, Marcela
dc.contributor.refereeJiskra, Jan
dc.contributor.refereeStárka, Luboslav
thesis.degree.programHuman Physiology and Pathophysiologyen_US
thesis.degree.programFyziologie a patofyziologie člověkacs_CZ
uk.thesis.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-cs3. lékařská fakulta::Klinika dětí a dorostucs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enThird Faculty of Medicine::Deparment of Children and Adolescentsen_US
uk.faculty-name.cs3. lékařská fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enThird Faculty of Medicineen_US
uk.degree-program.csFyziologie a patofyziologie člověkacs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enHuman Physiology and Pathophysiologyen_US
uk.abstract.csCílem této rozsáhlé studie bylo zjistit monogenní formy dysgenezi a dyshormonogenezi štítné žlázy v populační kohortě českých pacientů převážně s kongenitální hypoterózou.cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enBackground: Thyroid dysgenesis (TD) and thyroid dyshormonogenesis clinically manifest as permanent primary congenital hypothyroidism (CH) and only rarely as non-congenital, postnatal non-autoimmune hypothyroidism. As basic molecular events underlying the regulation of thyroid development, growth and function were clarified in the last decade, molecular pathogenesis of TD and dyshormonogenesis has been intensively studied. Candidate genes for TD and dyshormonogenesis had been described and their mutations were subsequently detected in several patients with non-syndromic and syndromic CH. Nevertheless, no systematic population-based phenotype-focused molecular genetic analysis had been performed and concerning TD, the data regarded only a few individual patients. Aim: The aim of this extensive study was to identify monogenic forms of TD and dyshormonogenesis in a population-based cohort of Czech patients mostly with CH. Systematic mutation screening was based on a detailed clinical information and phenotype description, and thus focused on clinically defined subgroups of patients matching the phenotypes of already known candidate gene mutations.en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, 3. lékařská fakulta, Klinika dětí a dorostucs_CZ

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