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Integrative Validation
dc.contributor.advisorHadj - Moussová, Zuzana
dc.creatorJanečková, Klára
dc.description.abstractThe main focus of this thesis is Nicole Richard's Integrative Validation approach which has been developed specifically for patients suffering from dementia. The aim is, firstly, to give a comprehensive description of this approach which previously in the Czech Republic has been neither applied nor described in detail, and secondly, to look at its theoretical foundations and evaluate its practical implications for patient care. Integrative Validation is described as a non-pharmaceutical holistic approach to patients suffering from dementia with the principal aim of improving the lives of these patients and of dealing with the problematic behaviour of patients suffering from BPSD (Behavioral and psychological Symptoms of Dementia). The approach makes use of the so called interviews in Integrative Validation which are conducted between carers trained in Integrative Validation and patients suffering from dementia. These interviews are based on several basic principles: carers endeavour to understand the experience of patients, to mirror their emotions and, whenever possible, to come up with solutions. By contrast, carers should not attempt to bring disoriented patients back to reality, confront them with their disorientation, interpret their behaviour, take what they say literally nor distract them from their...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThe main focus of this thesis is Nicole Richard's Integrative Validation approach which has been developed specifically for patients suffering from dementia. The aim is, firstly, to give a comprehensive description of this approach which previously in the Czech Republic has been neither applied nor described in detail, and secondly, to look at its theoretical foundations and evaluate its practical implications for patient care. Integrative Validation is described as a non-pharmaceutical holistic approach to patients suffering from dementia with the principal aim of improving the lives of these patients and of dealing with the problematic behaviour of patients suffering from BPSD (Behavioral and psychological Symptoms of Dementia). The approach makes use of the so called interviews in Integrative Validation which are conducted between carers trained in Integrative Validation and patients suffering from dementia. These interviews are based on several basic principles: carers endeavour to understand the experience of patients, to mirror their emotions and, whenever possible, to come up with solutions. By contrast, carers should not attempt to bring disoriented patients back to reality, confront them with their disorientation, interpret their behaviour, take what they say literally nor distract them from their...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleIntegrativní validace Přínos a problémy přístupu v péči o pacienty s demencícs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentKatedra psychologiecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Educationen_US
dc.description.facultyPedagogická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedIntegrative Validationen_US
dc.contributor.refereeGoldmann, Petr
thesis.degree.disciplinePsychologie a speciální pedagogikacs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplinePsychology and Special Pedagogyen_US
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csPedagogická fakulta::Katedra psychologiecs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.csPedagogická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Educationen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csPsychologie a speciální pedagogikacs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enPsychology and Special Pedagogyen_US
uk.abstract.csThe main focus of this thesis is Nicole Richard's Integrative Validation approach which has been developed specifically for patients suffering from dementia. The aim is, firstly, to give a comprehensive description of this approach which previously in the Czech Republic has been neither applied nor described in detail, and secondly, to look at its theoretical foundations and evaluate its practical implications for patient care. Integrative Validation is described as a non-pharmaceutical holistic approach to patients suffering from dementia with the principal aim of improving the lives of these patients and of dealing with the problematic behaviour of patients suffering from BPSD (Behavioral and psychological Symptoms of Dementia). The approach makes use of the so called interviews in Integrative Validation which are conducted between carers trained in Integrative Validation and patients suffering from dementia. These interviews are based on several basic principles: carers endeavour to understand the experience of patients, to mirror their emotions and, whenever possible, to come up with solutions. By contrast, carers should not attempt to bring disoriented patients back to reality, confront them with their disorientation, interpret their behaviour, take what they say literally nor distract them from their...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe main focus of this thesis is Nicole Richard's Integrative Validation approach which has been developed specifically for patients suffering from dementia. The aim is, firstly, to give a comprehensive description of this approach which previously in the Czech Republic has been neither applied nor described in detail, and secondly, to look at its theoretical foundations and evaluate its practical implications for patient care. Integrative Validation is described as a non-pharmaceutical holistic approach to patients suffering from dementia with the principal aim of improving the lives of these patients and of dealing with the problematic behaviour of patients suffering from BPSD (Behavioral and psychological Symptoms of Dementia). The approach makes use of the so called interviews in Integrative Validation which are conducted between carers trained in Integrative Validation and patients suffering from dementia. These interviews are based on several basic principles: carers endeavour to understand the experience of patients, to mirror their emotions and, whenever possible, to come up with solutions. By contrast, carers should not attempt to bring disoriented patients back to reality, confront them with their disorientation, interpret their behaviour, take what they say literally nor distract them from their...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra psychologiecs_CZ

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