Die lexikalischen Austriazismen im Roman Thomas Bernhards "Holzfällen"
The lexical austriacisms in Thomas Bernhard's novel "Holzfällen"
Lexikální austriacismy v románu Thomase Bernharda "Kácení dříví"
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 53487
- Kvalifikační práce [18635]
Hadwiger, Julia Nina Vanessa
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Education
English Language Oriented at Education - German Language Oriented at Education
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Date of defense
28. 5. 2009
Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakultaLanguage
Anotaee Bakahlrska praee "Lexikalni austriaeismy v romanu Thomase Bemharda Holzjdlien" se zabyva analyzou austriaeismu v beletristiekem romanu. Zameruje se predevsim na prirazeni austriaeisnlu k jazykov,Ynl oblastem rakouske slovni zasoby ana srovnani oznaceni teehto v,Yrazu na zaklade standardniho nemeekeho a rakouskYeh slovniku. Dokazuje, ze uziti austriaeismu v romanu je speeifieke, casto poehopitelne jen na zaklade kontextu. Roman se vyznacuje slozitou vetnou stavbou a austriaeismy jsou z velke casti uzity v ironiekem tonu, eoz je pro Thomase Bemharda typieke. 2
The Bachelor's Thesis "Lexical austriacisms In Thomas Bernhard's novel HolzJiillen" deals with the analysis of austracisms in a belletristic novel. It focuses on classifying according to language areas of the Austrian vocabulary. It also concentrates upon differences In denotation of standard German and specific Austrian dictionaries. It proofs that the usage of the austriacisnls in the novel IS specific, often comprehensible only on the basis of a context. The novel itself has a very complex syntactic structure. The austriacisms are often used in ironic tone which is typical of Bernhard's style of writing. 3