Srovnání výškových a skokanských parametrů u mladých hráček volejbalu v létech 2002-2009
Comparison of height and jumper parameters for young girl volleyball players in 2002-2009
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [8844]
Buchtel, Jaroslav
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Physical Education and Sport
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Date of defense
7. 5. 2009
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuLanguage
Very good
Nazev prace: Srovnani vyskovych a skokanskych parametru u mladych hracek volejbalu v letech 2002 - 2009 Cile prace: Na zaklade vysledku ziskanych na testovacich turnajich 2002 2009 (Kafkuv memorial) vytvofime pofadi 15-ti nejlepe umistenych hracek, podle dosahu pfi smecafskem vyskoku s rozbehem. Ziskane vysledky porovname vjednotlivych letech, die vybranych somatickych pfedpokladu (telesna vyska, dosah ze zeme natazenou pazi) a vybranych vykonnostnich pfedpokladu (cisty dosah - absolutni vyskok, dosah pfi smecafskem vyskoku s rozbehem). Metoda: Pro vyzkum ve sve diplomove praci jsem vyhledal a zpracoval vysledky standardizovanych testu pro volejbal. Tyto testy jsou kazdorocne aplikovany na hrackach na turnajich ,,krajskych center mladeze". V dnesni dobe uz jde spise o vybery nejlepsich hracek v kraji. V pfipade divek jde o ,,Memorial Milana Kafky". Testovani zajist'uje pofadatel ve spolupraci s povefenymi spolupracovniky komise mladeze a koordinatorem mladeze. Pro zpracovani avyhodnoceni ziskanych udaju jsem pouzil tyto matematicko-statisticke metody: aritmeticky prumer, variacni rozpeti a smerodatna odchylka. Vysledky: Vysledne hodnoty testu jsem zpracoval do pfehlednych tabulek a grafu, jejichz pomoci jsou viditelne rozdily mezi jednotlivymi rocniky. Zaroven muzeme porovnat kazdou hracku s...
Thesis title: Comparison of height and jumper parameters for young girl volleyball players in 2002 - 2009 Thesis aim: Based on the results obtained in the test tournaments in 2002 - 2009 (Kafka's memorial) create order 15-best placed volleyball players, under-reach at strike jump with rozbehem(heat?). The results compare for each yer, according to the selected somatic assumptions (body height, the range from the floor stretched arms) and selected performance assumptions (net reach - absolute jump, reach at strikejump with heat). Method: For my thesis examination I have looked up and processed results of standardized volleyball tests. Each year these tests are applied to the players at the regional youth centre championships. Nowadays these tests are rather applied to selections of the best regional players. Concerning girl players it refers to ,,the Memorial of Milan Kafka". The testing is provided by the organizer in coordination with commissioned co-workers of youth committee and youth coordinator. For processing and evaluating of the acquired data I have used the following mathematical-statistic methods: arithmetic mean, variation range and decisive anomaly. Results: I have transformed the final tests results into transparent graphs through which you can see apparent differences between...