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Oportunities of Chinese Stock Market
dc.contributor.advisorNavrátilová, Miroslava
dc.creatorNěmec, Jakub
dc.description.abstractNazev prace: Pfilezitosti cinskeho financniho trhu Cil prace: Cilem diplomove prace je charakterizovat soucasny stav cinskeho akcioveho trhu, urcit pfilezitosti a hrozby investovani na tornto trhu, nastinit smer jeho vyvoje do budoucna a stanovit vhodnou investicni strategii na cinskem akciovem trhu pro ceske investory. Metody: V teto praci jsou jako hlavni metody vyuzity popisna analyza, interview a fimdamentalni analyza, zejmena ukazatel Price / Earnings ratio. Pro analyzu soucasneho stavu cinskeho financniho trhu a ke splneni stanovenych cilu byla vyuzita jak odborna literatura a internetove zdroje, tak materialy a rozhovory s experty na problematiku cinske ekonomiky a akcioveho trhu. Vysledky: Cinsky akciovy trh se v soucasne dobe nachazi ve stadiu dlouhotrvajiciho propadu zapficineneho celosvetovou financni krizi. Tento propad umoznuje investorum nove pfilezitosti pro zhodnoceni kapitalu. V poslednich letech byly uskutecneny rozsahle reformy, ktere investicni pfilezitostijeste zvysuji. Cesti investofi mohou do cinskych akcii investovat zejmena prostfednictvim siroke nabidky podilovych fondu. Investice na tomto trhu by vsak z duvodu vysoke volatility nemela pfesahnout 10 % z celkoveho investicniho portfolia. Klicova slova: burza, akcie, burzovni index, cinsky akciovy trhcs_CZ
dc.description.abstractTitle of thesis: Opportunities of the Chinese financial market Aim: Aim of the thesis is to define current situation of the Chinese financial market, specify opportunities and threats of investing in this market, outline the way of its development in the future and determine suitable investment strategy in the Chinese stock market for Czech investors. Methods: The main methods used in this Work are describing analysis, interview and fundamental analysis, especially indicator Price / Earnings ratio. For the analysis of the actual situation of the Chinese financial market and for meeting of the prescribed aims there were used professional literature, websites and materials and interviews with the experts for the question of the Chinese economy and stock market. Results: Key words: Nowadays the Chinese stock market is in the stage of long-standing fall caused by global financial crisis. This decline enables new opportunities for capital appreciation to the investors. There were realized extensive reforms in the latest years which improve the investment opportunities even more. Czech investors can invest into the Chinese stocks especially by wide deal of unit trusts. Because of the high volatility investment in this market should not exceed 10 % of the total investment portfolio. stock exchange,...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
dc.titlePříležitosti čínského finančního trhucs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Physical Education and Sporten_US
dc.description.facultyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
dc.title.translatedOportunities of Chinese Stock Marketen_US
dc.contributor.refereeŠíma, Jan
thesis.degree.disciplineManagement tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineSports Managementen_US
thesis.degree.programTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
thesis.degree.programPhysical Education and Sporten_US
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu::Managementcs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.csFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Physical Education and Sporten_US
uk.degree-discipline.csManagement tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enSports Managementen_US
uk.degree-program.csTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enPhysical Education and Sporten_US
uk.abstract.csNazev prace: Pfilezitosti cinskeho financniho trhu Cil prace: Cilem diplomove prace je charakterizovat soucasny stav cinskeho akcioveho trhu, urcit pfilezitosti a hrozby investovani na tornto trhu, nastinit smer jeho vyvoje do budoucna a stanovit vhodnou investicni strategii na cinskem akciovem trhu pro ceske investory. Metody: V teto praci jsou jako hlavni metody vyuzity popisna analyza, interview a fimdamentalni analyza, zejmena ukazatel Price / Earnings ratio. Pro analyzu soucasneho stavu cinskeho financniho trhu a ke splneni stanovenych cilu byla vyuzita jak odborna literatura a internetove zdroje, tak materialy a rozhovory s experty na problematiku cinske ekonomiky a akcioveho trhu. Vysledky: Cinsky akciovy trh se v soucasne dobe nachazi ve stadiu dlouhotrvajiciho propadu zapficineneho celosvetovou financni krizi. Tento propad umoznuje investorum nove pfilezitosti pro zhodnoceni kapitalu. V poslednich letech byly uskutecneny rozsahle reformy, ktere investicni pfilezitostijeste zvysuji. Cesti investofi mohou do cinskych akcii investovat zejmena prostfednictvim siroke nabidky podilovych fondu. Investice na tomto trhu by vsak z duvodu vysoke volatility nemela pfesahnout 10 % z celkoveho investicniho portfolia. Klicova slova: burza, akcie, burzovni index, cinsky akciovy trhcs_CZ
uk.abstract.enTitle of thesis: Opportunities of the Chinese financial market Aim: Aim of the thesis is to define current situation of the Chinese financial market, specify opportunities and threats of investing in this market, outline the way of its development in the future and determine suitable investment strategy in the Chinese stock market for Czech investors. Methods: The main methods used in this Work are describing analysis, interview and fundamental analysis, especially indicator Price / Earnings ratio. For the analysis of the actual situation of the Chinese financial market and for meeting of the prescribed aims there were used professional literature, websites and materials and interviews with the experts for the question of the Chinese economy and stock market. Results: Key words: Nowadays the Chinese stock market is in the stage of long-standing fall caused by global financial crisis. This decline enables new opportunities for capital appreciation to the investors. There were realized extensive reforms in the latest years which improve the investment opportunities even more. Czech investors can invest into the Chinese stocks especially by wide deal of unit trusts. Because of the high volatility investment in this market should not exceed 10 % of the total investment portfolio. stock exchange,...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Managementcs_CZ

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