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Psychological changes which occur during survival training
dc.contributor.advisorDoležel, Martin
dc.creatorPospíšil, Jiří
dc.description.abstractNazev prace Aktualni zmeny psychickeho stavu behem kurzu pfeziti Cil prace Cilem prace bylo zjistit vliv kurzu pfeziti na psychiku jedincu, ktefi se tohoto kurzu zucastnili. Pfedmetem prace bylo i hodnoceni, do jake miry ovlivfiuji jednotlive faktory dotazniku POMS psychicky stav jedincu. V neposledni fade byl sledovan vek, pocet odslouzenych let a zkusenost ve vztahu k temto faktorum. Metoda Pfedlozena diplomova prace je zpracovana ve forme pilotni studie. Byl sestaven dotaz- nik pro sber dat, ktery byl rozdelen do dvou casti. Prvni cast Ize charakterizovat jako nestandardizovanou, kdy respondenti odpovidali na soubor otazek. Ziskane informace byly pouzity pro doplneni tohoto experimentu. Dotaznik typu POMS tvofil druhou cast, ve ktere jedinci pouze hodnotili miru svych pocitu. Na zaklade obdrzenych dat by mely byt definovany hlavni faktory ovlivnujici zmenu psychickeho stavu jedincu behem kur- zu pfeziti. Pro zjisteni pficinnych vztahu mezi studovanymi promennymi byl vyuzit kvaziexperiment a sber dat probihal formou dotaznikoveho setfeni. Vysledky Mezi zjistenymi vysledky byly nejvice patrne rozdily ve zkusenosti jednotlivcu, kdy vice zkuseni jedinci vykazovali vyssi miru psychicke stability ve vsech sledovanych faktorech. Dale se ukazalo, ze stafi jedincu ma prokazatelne vetsi vliv na jednotlive...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractTitle Psychological Changes which Occur during Survival Training The objective of the thesis My thesis aims to examine the influence of survival training on the mental state of the participants. Another objective was to assess the extent to which each of the factors in the POMS questionnaire affects the mental state of the participants. Among others, age, number of years in service and experience in relation to these factors were studied. Method The thesis is approached as a pilot study. A questionnaire was framed and divided into two parts. The first one, in which the respondents answered a set of questions, could be characterized as non-standardized. The obtained data were used as a supplement to the experiment. The second part is formed by a POMS questionnaire in which the respon- dents only stated the extent of their emotions. The obtained data formed a basis for the definition of main factors influencing psychological changes in the survival trainees. The causal relationships between the relevant variables were discovered using a quasi experiment and data were collected through a questionnaire survey. Results The results have proved that it is the experience of the participants that shows the most significant discrepancies with the more experienced participants being more stable in all the...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
dc.titleAktuální změny psychického stavu během kurzu přežitícs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentVojenská tělovýchovacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Physical Education and Sporten_US
dc.description.facultyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
dc.title.translatedPsychological changes which occur during survival trainingen_US
dc.contributor.refereeChalupová, Eva
thesis.degree.disciplineVojenská tělovýchovacs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineMilitary Physical Educationen_US
thesis.degree.programTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
thesis.degree.programPhysical Education and Sporten_US
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu::Vojenská tělovýchovacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.csFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Physical Education and Sporten_US
uk.degree-discipline.csVojenská tělovýchovacs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enMilitary Physical Educationen_US
uk.degree-program.csTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enPhysical Education and Sporten_US
uk.abstract.csNazev prace Aktualni zmeny psychickeho stavu behem kurzu pfeziti Cil prace Cilem prace bylo zjistit vliv kurzu pfeziti na psychiku jedincu, ktefi se tohoto kurzu zucastnili. Pfedmetem prace bylo i hodnoceni, do jake miry ovlivfiuji jednotlive faktory dotazniku POMS psychicky stav jedincu. V neposledni fade byl sledovan vek, pocet odslouzenych let a zkusenost ve vztahu k temto faktorum. Metoda Pfedlozena diplomova prace je zpracovana ve forme pilotni studie. Byl sestaven dotaz- nik pro sber dat, ktery byl rozdelen do dvou casti. Prvni cast Ize charakterizovat jako nestandardizovanou, kdy respondenti odpovidali na soubor otazek. Ziskane informace byly pouzity pro doplneni tohoto experimentu. Dotaznik typu POMS tvofil druhou cast, ve ktere jedinci pouze hodnotili miru svych pocitu. Na zaklade obdrzenych dat by mely byt definovany hlavni faktory ovlivnujici zmenu psychickeho stavu jedincu behem kur- zu pfeziti. Pro zjisteni pficinnych vztahu mezi studovanymi promennymi byl vyuzit kvaziexperiment a sber dat probihal formou dotaznikoveho setfeni. Vysledky Mezi zjistenymi vysledky byly nejvice patrne rozdily ve zkusenosti jednotlivcu, kdy vice zkuseni jedinci vykazovali vyssi miru psychicke stability ve vsech sledovanych faktorech. Dale se ukazalo, ze stafi jedincu ma prokazatelne vetsi vliv na jednotlive...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enTitle Psychological Changes which Occur during Survival Training The objective of the thesis My thesis aims to examine the influence of survival training on the mental state of the participants. Another objective was to assess the extent to which each of the factors in the POMS questionnaire affects the mental state of the participants. Among others, age, number of years in service and experience in relation to these factors were studied. Method The thesis is approached as a pilot study. A questionnaire was framed and divided into two parts. The first one, in which the respondents answered a set of questions, could be characterized as non-standardized. The obtained data were used as a supplement to the experiment. The second part is formed by a POMS questionnaire in which the respon- dents only stated the extent of their emotions. The obtained data formed a basis for the definition of main factors influencing psychological changes in the survival trainees. The causal relationships between the relevant variables were discovered using a quasi experiment and data were collected through a questionnaire survey. Results The results have proved that it is the experience of the participants that shows the most significant discrepancies with the more experienced participants being more stable in all the...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Vojenská tělovýchovacs_CZ

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