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Training comparison of survival at units of 4th brigade mechanized infantry
dc.contributor.advisorDoležel, Martin
dc.creatorBerger, Jan
dc.description.abstractNazev prace: Porovnani vycviku pfeziti u utvaru 4. brigady rychleho nasazeni Gil prace: Prace je zamerena na zjisteni obsahu vycviku pfeziti u 4 vybranych utvaru Armady Ceske Republiky, ktere spadaji pod 4. brigadu rychleho nasazeni. Cilem diplomove prace bude zjistit a porovnat odlisnosti u tSchto utvaru a udelat jednotny navrh na vycvik pfeziti u 4. brigady rychleho nasazeni. Metoda: Ktematu me diplomove prace byla pouzita dotazovaci metoda. Diplomova prace je zalozena na informacich ziskanych od nacelniku telovychovy a instruktoru pfeziti jednotlivych utvaru ACR. Informace byly ziskavany osobne, formou strukturovaneho rozhovoru. Ziskane informace, ktere byly nahravany na diktafon, jsou v plnem rozsahu pouzity do me diplomove prace. Vvsledky: Po zpracovani sberu dat bylo zjistSno, ze vybrane utvary se venuji pfevaznS ostatnim oblastem specialni t^lesne pfipravy. Vycvik pfeziti jako samostama 6ast probiha jen v omezene mife. Vet§inou je vycvik pfeziti zahrnuty v ramci praporniho nebo brigadniho vyvedeni popfipade komplexniho zamSstnani. Z toho plyne, ze na pfeziti je vytyčeno malo hodin ze specialni telesne pfipravy. Na zaklade toho byl sestaven jednotny navrh vycviku pfeziti pro 4. brigadu rychleho nasazeni. Klicova slova: Specialni telesna pfiprava, pfeziti, brigada rychleho nasazeni, Armada...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractth Topic: Training comparison of survival at units 4 brigade mechanized infantry Destination work: This topic is worked up due to determination of contents of survival training at four chosen units of Army Czech Republic. These units are a part of a 4th brigade mechanized infantry. The reason of this graduation theses is findings and comparing differences between these units, and propose a motion for training brigade mechanized infantry. Method: The interrogation method was used for data acquisition. The graduation theses will be based on the information gained from drillmasters and gym instructors for survival training. The information will be gained personally and thanks to structured interview. Information gained, that will be recorded to dictaphone, will be used for my graduation theses without no changes. Results: After data processing, it was found, that chosen units apply oneself to an area of special physical training. The survival training is used like separated part only in limited factor. Generally, the survival training is a part of drill or complex exercises. The result is, that there is not enough time to dwell on the survival training, so integrated concept was compiled thanks to this information. Key words: special physical training, survival, brigade mechanized infantry ,Army Czech...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
dc.titlePorovnání výcviku přežití u útvarů 4. brigády rychlého nasazenícs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentVojenská tělovýchovacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Physical Education and Sporten_US
dc.description.facultyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
dc.title.translatedTraining comparison of survival at units of 4th brigade mechanized infantryen_US
dc.contributor.refereeFedák, Josef
thesis.degree.disciplineVojenská tělovýchovacs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineMilitary Physical Educationen_US
thesis.degree.programTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
thesis.degree.programPhysical Education and Sporten_US
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu::Vojenská tělovýchovacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.csFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportucs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Physical Education and Sporten_US
uk.degree-discipline.csVojenská tělovýchovacs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enMilitary Physical Educationen_US
uk.degree-program.csTělesná výchova a sportcs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enPhysical Education and Sporten_US
thesis.grade.csVelmi dobřecs_CZ
thesis.grade.enVery gooden_US
uk.abstract.csNazev prace: Porovnani vycviku pfeziti u utvaru 4. brigady rychleho nasazeni Gil prace: Prace je zamerena na zjisteni obsahu vycviku pfeziti u 4 vybranych utvaru Armady Ceske Republiky, ktere spadaji pod 4. brigadu rychleho nasazeni. Cilem diplomove prace bude zjistit a porovnat odlisnosti u tSchto utvaru a udelat jednotny navrh na vycvik pfeziti u 4. brigady rychleho nasazeni. Metoda: Ktematu me diplomove prace byla pouzita dotazovaci metoda. Diplomova prace je zalozena na informacich ziskanych od nacelniku telovychovy a instruktoru pfeziti jednotlivych utvaru ACR. Informace byly ziskavany osobne, formou strukturovaneho rozhovoru. Ziskane informace, ktere byly nahravany na diktafon, jsou v plnem rozsahu pouzity do me diplomove prace. Vvsledky: Po zpracovani sberu dat bylo zjistSno, ze vybrane utvary se venuji pfevaznS ostatnim oblastem specialni t^lesne pfipravy. Vycvik pfeziti jako samostama 6ast probiha jen v omezene mife. Vet§inou je vycvik pfeziti zahrnuty v ramci praporniho nebo brigadniho vyvedeni popfipade komplexniho zamSstnani. Z toho plyne, ze na pfeziti je vytyčeno malo hodin ze specialni telesne pfipravy. Na zaklade toho byl sestaven jednotny navrh vycviku pfeziti pro 4. brigadu rychleho nasazeni. Klicova slova: Specialni telesna pfiprava, pfeziti, brigada rychleho nasazeni, Armada...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enth Topic: Training comparison of survival at units 4 brigade mechanized infantry Destination work: This topic is worked up due to determination of contents of survival training at four chosen units of Army Czech Republic. These units are a part of a 4th brigade mechanized infantry. The reason of this graduation theses is findings and comparing differences between these units, and propose a motion for training brigade mechanized infantry. Method: The interrogation method was used for data acquisition. The graduation theses will be based on the information gained from drillmasters and gym instructors for survival training. The information will be gained personally and thanks to structured interview. Information gained, that will be recorded to dictaphone, will be used for my graduation theses without no changes. Results: After data processing, it was found, that chosen units apply oneself to an area of special physical training. The survival training is used like separated part only in limited factor. Generally, the survival training is a part of drill or complex exercises. The result is, that there is not enough time to dwell on the survival training, so integrated concept was compiled thanks to this information. Key words: special physical training, survival, brigade mechanized infantry ,Army Czech...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Vojenská tělovýchovacs_CZ

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