Hodnocení posturální zralosti dětí v předškolním věku
Evaluation of postural maturity of the preschool children
diplomová práce (OBHÁJENO)

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Trvalý odkaz
SIS: 51298
- Kvalifikační práce [8921]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Hojková, Klára
Fakulta / součást
Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Datum obhajoby
11. 5. 2009
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuJazyk
Autor prace: Dana Berankova Nazev prace: Hodnoceni posturalni zralosti deti pfedskolnfho veku Vymezeni problemu: Znat posturalni zralost ditete ve veku 5 - 6 let je velmi dulezite k vcasnemu odhaleni poruch motorickeho vyvoje a k zahajeni terapie. V pfedskolnfm obdobi se zacina u nekterych deti se sportem (fotbal, tenis, gymnastika), ktery muze pfedstavovat jednostrannou zatez. Sportovnf (pro dane dfte neadekvatnf) zatez pak muze podnftit vznik funkcnich i strukturalnich poruch pohybove soustavy. Naprava nespravneho drzeni tela je dulezitym predpokladem, aby dite bylo pfipraveno na nastup do skoly, pfipadne pro zahajenf cilene pohybove aktivity. Je nutne rozpoznat u deti jejich posturalni zralost a pfipadne rodice detf, u kterych je nalezena nedostatecne vyvinuta posturalni' stabilizace, odradit od zameru zahajenf sportovnf aktivity v pfedskolnim veku. Prace se zabyva aplikaci jednoduchych testu hodnotfcfch motoricke dovednosti a jejich vyhodnocenfm u detf ve veku 5-6 let. Cile prace: Tato studie ma za cfl pomocf vybranych klinickych testu zhodnotit posturalni zralost detf v pfedskolnfm veku. Dalsfm cflem je vyhodnotit vzajemny vliv posturalni' zralosti dftete a jeho vykonnost ve sportovnf cinnosti. Metoda feseni: Prace byla zpracovana u tff skupin detf pfedskolnfho veku (prvni skupina obsahuje...
Author: Dana Berankova Title: Evaluation of postural maturity of the preschool children Definition of the problem: Knowledge of postural maturity of five-years-old children is very important to the early detection of disorders of motor development and initiation of therapy. The preschool children start with sport like football, tennis or gymnastic which can constitute an unilateral burden. This kind of burden, which is inadequate for the children, can cause an emergence of functional and structural lesions of motoric system. Rehabilitation of the incorrect posture is important prerequisite for the children were ready to go to school or for the initiation of sports activities. It is necessary to identify the preschool children's postural maturity. If an underdeveloped postural stabilization is dected by children parents of these children will be noticed ftbout the threat which is conected with sports activities. The thesis deals with an application of simple motor skills tests, assessment and evaluation in children aged 5 - 6 years. The aim of the project: This study aims an evaluation of the postural maturity of children in pre-school age by means of selected clinical tests. Another aim is an evaluation a reciprocal influence of children's postural maturity and performance in sports activities. Method of...