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    cooperation (5)
    class climate (4)
    child (3)
    creativity (3)
    career system (2)
    class (2)
    classification (2)
    classroom (2)
    classroom climate (2)
    classroom management (2)
    climate (2)
    Czech language (2)
    caree (1)
    causes of school failure (1)
    celoživotní učení (1)
    challenging behaviour (1)
    change (1)
    child at an early age (1)
    child group (1)
    child pre-school age (1)
    child with developmental dysphasia (1)
    child with special education needs (1)
    child with special educational needs (1)
    childcare outside the family (1)
    children (1)
    children's book (1)
    children's literature (1)
    choice of profession (1)
    chování (1)
    chování žáka (1)
    chronicle (1)
    chyba (1)
    class group (1)
    class teacher (1)
    climate factors (1)
    climate in the school (1)
    clinical speech therapist (1)
    co-operation (1)
    co-operation of the family and of the school (1)
    cochlear implant (1)
    cognition (1)
    cognitive skills (1)
    combine class (1)
    coming out (1)
    Communication (1)
    communication competencies (1)
    communication during distance learning (1)
    communications (1)
    communiqués (1)
    communistic regime (1)
    comparison (1)
    competence (1)
    composer (1)
    concepts of school failure (1)
    conditions for a teaching assistant in the Czech Republic and in Great Britain (1)
    conductor (1)
    contraception (1)
    cooperation between educational institutions and families (1)
    cooperation of family and school (1)
    correspondence (1)
    creating (1)
    creative teaching (1)
    creative thinking (1)
    crisis (1)
    critical thinking (1)
    curator (1)
    curator for children and youth (1)
    curriculum (1)
    curriculum vitae (1)
    Cyberbullying (1)
    cyberbullying (1)
    cyberspace (1)
    Cyril Mach (1)
    Czech education (1)
    Czech language and literature (1)
    Czech Republic (1)
    Czechoslovakia (1)

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