Úloha radiologického asistenta při mamografii
The role of radiological assistant during mammography
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [1716]
Moravcová, Zdena
Faculty / Institute
Second Faculty of Medicine
Radiological Assistant
Department of Radiology
Date of defense
12. 5. 2008
Univerzita Karlova, 2. lékařská fakultaLanguage
Very good
o karcinomu prsu vedeli jiz staff Rfmane. Take v umenf muzeme nalezt doklady o teto nemoci napffc staletfmi. Rada pozomych malffU a sochafU nevtfrave ztvamila midorove zmeny, kterych si vsimla na svych modelkach. Dnes fadfme karcinom prsu mezi civilizacnl choroby. Prodlouzena delka I.ivota, citlive metody schopne detekovat jiz pfednadorove zmeny a stale zkusenejsf radiologove majf za nasledek kaI.dorocnf narUst nove objevenych pfipadu. Umrtnost zustava stejna, dokonce mime klesa. Toto onemocnenf rna dopad nejen na I.enu samotnou, ale i na celou spolecnost. Pffme rizikove faktory dosud nejsou znamy. JedinYm uCinnym prostfedkem je vcasna diagnoza. V Ceske republice v prubehu I.ivota rakovinou prsu onemocnf kaI.da osma I.ena. Ucinnou moI.nostf prevence je mamograficky screening, ktery je u nas zaveden celoplosne. Rada bych se zamefila na pozadavky kladene na screeningova pracoviste a na ulohu radiologickeho asistenta pfi mamografii. Chtela bych poukazat na to, I.e svym pffstupem muze ovlivnit rnnohe. Zakladnfm pozadavkem je odbome vzdeIanf. Na kvalite odvedene prace se, krome pfistrojoveho vybavenf, podflf nemalou merou take pffstup k pacientce. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
The breast cancer is a serious disease. As we still do not know the direct risk factors, the only effective prophylactic possibility is a mammographic screening. The screening is intended for women who still do not have any problems. There are demands made on screening centres which are checked regularly. The centres should provide women both a quality care and personal comfort. Not many women are affraid of screening itself but they fear the possibility of being diagnosed the breast cancer. People still believe, they are convinced that the breast cancer is something that cannot be fought against. Doctors should calm the women down and tell them that if the disease is diagnosed in time, there is a great chance to recover completely. In the second part of my thesis I would like to point out that a part of the whole screening procedure is not only perfect equipment / apparatuses/ and experienced doctors, but also a radiological assistant. He or she is responsible for the quality of projections. The radiological assistant is practically the first person that a woman gets in contact with after her arrival at the department. It is the radiological assistant's attitude to patients which matters a lot. His or her education is not a guarantee for quality work. Professional approach of an assistant should be...