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Metabolic study of sibutramine
dc.contributor.advisorWsól, Vladimír
dc.creatorLink, Marek
dc.description.abstractObesity represents a serious problem especially in American and European populations. Pharmacotherapy in combination with a reduced calorie diet is recommended for obese patients as a multi-modal approach to weight loss. Sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate represents one of the few established and well-proven agents available for treatment of obesity. It is sold as a racemic mixture under the trade-name Meridia, Reductil or Lindaxa. It acts as a monoamine reuptake inhibitor. The weight loss of patients induced by sibutramine is thought to be due to a combination of serotonin- and noradrenaline-mediated mechanisms that increase both satiety and energy expenditure. In organisms, sibutramine is rapidly demethylated to form metabolites M1 and M2. These metabolites contribute largely to the pharmacological effects of sibutramine and the pharmacokinetic characteristics of M1 and M2 were thoroughly studied in human plasma. Although sibutramine is widely used for the treatment of obesity almost ten years, the published information on the further metabolic fate of metabolites M1 and M2 as well as on the elimination of sibutramine from the body is almost exclusively limited to package inserts of the product. To address this issue we determined the routes of elimination of sibutramine in humans via urine. LC-API/MS...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Královécs_CZ
dc.titleMetabolická studie sibutraminucs_CZ
dc.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentKatedra biochemických vědcs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Biochemical Sciencesen_US
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Královéen_US
dc.description.facultyFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Královécs_CZ
dc.title.translatedMetabolic study of sibutramineen_US
dc.contributor.refereeHolčapek, Michal
dc.contributor.refereeNobilis, Milan
thesis.degree.disciplinePathobiochemistry and Xenobiochemistryen_US
thesis.degree.disciplinePatobiochemie a xenobiochemiecs_CZ
uk.thesis.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové::Katedra biochemických vědcs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové::Department of Biochemical Sciencesen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Královécs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Královéen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csPatobiochemie a xenobiochemiecs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enPathobiochemistry and Xenobiochemistryen_US
uk.abstract.enObesity represents a serious problem especially in American and European populations. Pharmacotherapy in combination with a reduced calorie diet is recommended for obese patients as a multi-modal approach to weight loss. Sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate represents one of the few established and well-proven agents available for treatment of obesity. It is sold as a racemic mixture under the trade-name Meridia, Reductil or Lindaxa. It acts as a monoamine reuptake inhibitor. The weight loss of patients induced by sibutramine is thought to be due to a combination of serotonin- and noradrenaline-mediated mechanisms that increase both satiety and energy expenditure. In organisms, sibutramine is rapidly demethylated to form metabolites M1 and M2. These metabolites contribute largely to the pharmacological effects of sibutramine and the pharmacokinetic characteristics of M1 and M2 were thoroughly studied in human plasma. Although sibutramine is widely used for the treatment of obesity almost ten years, the published information on the further metabolic fate of metabolites M1 and M2 as well as on the elimination of sibutramine from the body is almost exclusively limited to package inserts of the product. To address this issue we determined the routes of elimination of sibutramine in humans via urine. LC-API/MS...en_US
uk.publication.placeHradec Královécs_CZ
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové, Katedra biochemických vědcs_CZ

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