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dc.contributor.authorHennlichová1, Marcela
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.sourcePrague Papers on the History of International Relations, 2019, 1, 38-53cs_CZ
dc.subjectEdward VIIcs_CZ
dc.subjectThéophile Delcassécs_CZ
dc.subjectÉmile Loubetcs_CZ
dc.subjectEugène Étiennecs_CZ
dc.subjectAnglo-French rapprochementcs_CZ
dc.subjectEntente Cordialecs_CZ
dc.titleThe Royal Visit to Paris and the Presidential Visit to London in 1903 — An Icebreaker of the Public Opinion or a Milestone in the History of the Entente Cordiale?cs_CZ
dc.typeVědecký článekcs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe presented article deals with the royal visit of Edward VII to Paris in May 1903 and the presidential visit of Émile Loubet to London in July 1903 and their importance for the Entente Cordiale. The Anglo-French relations were slightly improving since the French unconditional withdrawal from Fashoda in 1898, but there were still signs of persisting animosity. In the early spring 1903, a new factor occurred — the Anglo-German relationship worsened a lot. When the King Edward VII visited Paris in May 1903, he was able to gain the public opinion on his side, and the main result was the shift in the rhetoric of both English and French press towards the entente. His visit therefore contributed to the rapprochement between France and England, which resulted later in 1904 in signing of the Entente Cordiale. What was the main reason for this to happen? Were there other factors too? The aim of this article is to reveal the preconditions for the rapprochement of Paris and London.cs_CZ
dcterms.isPartOf.namePrague Papers on the History of International Relationscs_CZ

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