Index of the verb forms in the Prague collection of Cappadocian tablets
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Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaPraha
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Chatreššar (web)ISSN: 2571-1393
Periodical publication year: 2019
Periodical Volume: 2019
Periodical Issue: 1
Link to license terms asked about Bedřich Hrozný, most laypeople with some knowledge of history will associate him with the decipherment of the Hittite language. Only a few will recall his other major achievement of great importance for the study of the ancient Near East — in 1925, he succeeded in his efforts to find the location of the kārum Kanish. At that point, many scholars had been scratching their heads for several decades trying to find the settlement. Tablets from this Anatolian merchant colony had been well known and available for purchase on the black market, yet the location of their origin had remained a mystery even for the likes of Hugo Winckler. Hrozný managed to put together enough money from various sources to organize an expedition with the goal of finding the kārum in 1925. The expedition was successful and yielded about 1000 tablets, some of which are now in Istanbul and some in Prague. The autographs of the Istanbul tablets were published in ICK 1 and ICK 2; the autographs, transliterations, and translations of the Prague tablets were published in ICK 3 (mostly tablets with seals) and ICK 4. The Prague collection has recently been digitalized for the CDLI project, and the tablets can now be viewed online. The collection consists of ca. 400 tablets and represents a solid, albeit small sample of Old Assyrian texts, well worth indexing. Hence this index of the verb forms found in the texts, originally an appendix to my thesis of 2010. Hopefully, it will be of some use to those interested in Cappadocian tablets and Old Assyrian.