Case Study of Treatment of a Patient after Rheumatoid Arthritis
Kazuistika fyzioterapeutické péče o pacienta s revmatoidní artritidou
bakalářská práce (OBHÁJENO)

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SIS: 191533
- Kvalifikační práce [8869]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Mikulášová, Markéta
Fakulta / součást
Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Datum obhajoby
6. 5. 2019
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuJazyk
Klíčová slova (česky)
physical therapy . rheumatoid arthritis, this thesis has been done in Prague 2019Klíčová slova (anglicky)
physical therapy . FTVS, rheumatoid arthritisAbstracts Title: Case Study of Treatment of a Patient after Rheumatoid Arthritis. Goals: The goal of this thesis is to discuss the clinical finding and rehabilitation of a patient with a Rheumatoid Arthritis and to take a glance on the overview classification of the disease, the physiological and pathological part, also to implant the theories of the treatment and care of such patients. Methods: Methods used in this study are all based on the literature given by the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Results: After a 10 sessions of therapy and rehabilitation, the patient was able to increase the ROM of the affected upper and lower extremities joints with decreasing the pain of them and correcting the gait while walking. Keywords: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Upper extremities, Lower extremities, Range of movement, Physical therapy.