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Morphological productivity in the diachronic perspective: the case of suffixes -mento/-zione in Old Italian from the 13th to the 16th century
dc.contributor.authorŠtichauer, Pavel
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.sourceStudie z aplikované lingvistiky - Studies in Applied Linguistics, 2018, 9, Special Issue, 13-26cs_CZ
dc.subjectdiachronic corporacs_CZ
dc.subjectlexical statisticscs_CZ
dc.subjectsuffixes -mento/-zionecs_CZ
dc.subjectOld Italian 13th–16th Cent.cs_CZ
dc.subjectpackage zipfRcs_CZ
dc.subjectdiachronní korpusycs_CZ
dc.subjectlexikální statistikacs_CZ
dc.subjectsufixy -mento/-zionecs_CZ
dc.subjectstará italština 13.– 16. stoletícs_CZ
dc.subjectprogram zipfRcs_CZ
dc.titleMorfologická produktivita v diachronní perspektivě: příklad sufixů -mento/-zione ve staré italštině od 13. do 16. stoletícs_CZ
dc.title.alternativeMorphological productivity in the diachronic perspective: the case of suffixes -mento/-zione in Old Italian from the 13th to the 16th centurycs_CZ
dc.typeVědecký článekcs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThis paper deals with morphological productivity in diachrony, in particular it addresses the issue of the quantitative evaluation of productivity within a given time span. Adopting Baayen’s (1992; 2001; 2008) corpus-based quantitative approach which considers productivity as the probability of encountering a new type when sampling a large corpus, the paper shows the evolution of two competing suffixes -mento/-zione in Old Italian from the 13th to the 16th Centuries. On the basis of four separate corpora drawn from LIZ 4.0 (Letteratura Italiana Zanichelli), it is demonstrated how the productivity of the suffix -mento, within the time span of four centuries, remains constant, while the suffix -zione displays diachronic variability. Apart from diachronic considerations regarding this situation, the paper also highlights some technical aspects, such as the use of LNRE models (implemented in the package zipfR, a tool for lexical statistics in R, cf. Baroni — Evert, 2006; Evert — Baroni, 2007; Baayen, 2008), as well as some well-known limitations and constraints inherent in quantitative analyses of diachronic corpora.cs_CZ
dcterms.isPartOf.nameStudie z aplikované lingvistiky - Studies in Applied Linguisticscs_CZ
dcterms.isPartOf.journalIssueSpecial Issue

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